Hagberg, Garry, 1952-
Art as language : Wittgenstein, meaning, and aesthetic theory / G.L. Hagberg.
Ithaca : Cornell University Press, ©1995.
xi, 196 pages ; 24 cm
Art as Language systematically considers the implications of the pervasive belief that art is a language or functions like language. This insightful book clarifies the similarities and differences between expression in speech and expression in art, and examines Wittgenstein's work on language and mind as it applies to several prominent aesthetic theories. Working from a Wittgensteinian perspective, G.L. Hagberg opens with a reexamination of some of the foundational aesthetic theorists of the earlier part of this century, including R.G. Collingwood and Susanne Langer.
Focusing on the work of Arthur Danto, George Dickie, and Joseph Margolis, Hagberg discusses the philosophical presumptions and hidden complexities in recent theories of artistic perception, in theories concerning the nature of the art object, and in the institutional conception of the arts. Throughout Art as Language, he tests the claims of aesthetics against artistic practices in order to rethink the fundamental positions of the most important aesthetic theories of this century.
0801430402 (alk. paper)
9780801430404 (alk. paper)
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 1889-1951.
Aesthetics, Modern 20th century.
Esthétique 20e siècle.
Aesthetics, Modern.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 84510
Cote: ID NA44.W831; ID:95-B3526
Statut: Disponible
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