The Romano-British villa at Castle Copse, Great Bedwyn / Eric Hostetter and Thomas Noble Howe, editors ; with contribution by Enid Allison [and others].
Titre et auteur:

The Romano-British villa at Castle Copse, Great Bedwyn / Eric Hostetter and Thomas Noble Howe, editors ; with contribution by Enid Allison [and others].


Bloomington : Indiana University Press, ©1997.


xxiv, 550 pages : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 508-539) and index.
ch. 1. The regional setting : environmental geology and geography / David K. Keefer -- ch. 2. Chisbury camp and northeastern Wiltshire in the Iron Age / Paul Robinson -- ch. 3. The area around Cunetio in the Roman period: The area around Cunetio / Eric Hostetter ; Villa siting / Eric Hostetter and Laura Flusche -- ch. 4. The Romano-British villa at Castle Copse, Great Bedwyn: Siting / Eric Hostetter ; Topography, geology, and hydrology of the villa / David K. Keefer ; Stratigraphy / Thomas Noble Howe and Eric Hostetter ; Architecture / Thomas Noble Howe ; Mosaics / John E. Kenfield ; Wall painting / John F. Kenfield ; Coins / Theodore V. Buttrey ; Objects of metal / Bradley Ault and Valeri Hutchinson Pennanen ; Analysis of the iron assemblage / Robert M. Ehrenreich ; Triangular impressed clay fragment (lost) / Ruth Megaw and Vincent Megaw ; Pottery / Anthony R. Wilmott ; Glass vessels and objects / David Frederick Grose ; Beads / Margaret Guido ; Objects of stone / Maryline Parca ; Bone and antler objects / Rosemary J. Payne ; Animal remains / Sebastian Payne. Birds / Enid Allison. Fishes / Andrew K.G. Jones ; Archaeobotanical evidence / Alan Clapham and Kathryn L. Gleason ; Observations on the Bedwyn Dyke / Thomas Noble Howe and Eric Hostetter ; Summary / Eric Hostetter -- ch. 5. The area arond Bedwyn in the Anglo-Saxon period / Bruce Eagles.
Dust jacket.

This volume presents the results of a systematic study of the ruins of the large Roman courtyard villa at Castle Copse, located near the village of Great Bedwyn, in southwest England. These efforts have shed light not only on the history of the villa itself, but also on the shifting focus of power over the course of a millennium at the sites associated with Castle Copse in the immediate region - the Iron Age hillfort of Chisbury, a post-Roman settlement, and a Saxon village destined to become an urban center. In addition to a complete survey of the site, its topography, geology, hydrology, and stratigraphy, this book includes studies of the architecture, mosaics, wall painting, and numerous artifacts and animal remains found at the site. There are also overviews of the history and geography of the region around the site, twelve technical appendixes, and hundreds of detailed illustrations.


0253328020 (cl ; alk. paper)
9780253328021 (cl ; alk. paper)


Farm buildings England Great Bedwyn History To 1500.
Country homes England Great Bedwyn History To 1500.
Architecture, Domestic England Great Bedwyn.
Architecture, Roman England Great Bedwyn.
Britons England Great Bedwyn.
Romans England Great Bedwyn.
Farm buildings
Country homes England Great Bedwyn.
Architecture, Domestic
Architecture, Roman
Celtic antiquities
Classical antiquities
Country homes
Farm buildings England Great Bedwyn.
Castle Copse Site (England)
Great Bedwyn (England) Antiquities, Celtic.
Great Bedwyn (England) Antiquities, Roman.
Great Bedwyn
England Castle Copse Site
England Great Bedwyn
Castle Copse
Country homes History To 1500 England Great Bedwyn
Farm buildings History To 1500 England Great Bedwyn



Vedettes secondaires:

Hostetter, Eric.
Howe, Thomas Noble, 1949-
Allison, E. P.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 82019
Cote: ID DA147.C247.R66; ID:95-B2843
Statut: Disponible


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