Barry Downs fonds, 1956-1968.
Entrée principale:

Downs, Barry, 1930-

Titre et auteur:

Barry Downs fonds, 1956-1968.


14 items.


Access by appointment only.


The Barry Downs Fonds contains 6 drawings and 8 presentation panels for a total of 11 projects conceived between 1956 and 1968. This period coincided with Down's position as design architect for Thompson, Berwick, Pratt & Partners, and his subsequent partnership with Fred Thornton Hollingsworth. The documents, particularly the drawings, reveal the considerable skill Downs possessed as both a draughtsman and a designer. Includes 1 perspective drawing for a house scheme by architect Ronald Thom.

Note biographique:

Barry Vance Downs studied commerce at the University of British Columbia in 1948-1950 before entering the school of architecture at the University of Washington, Seattle, in 1950. During his study years, Downs worked as a summer draughtsman for architect John Graham in Seattle before he graduated in 1954 with a B. Arch. Returning to Vancouver, Downs worked for the office of Sharp & Thompson, Berwick, Pratt from 1954-1955, and then the successor firm of Thompson, Berwick, Pratt from 1956-1963. During this period, Downs executed a number of independent projects, including the Ladner Pioneer Library, with Richard Archambault, a colleague at TBP, and a residence for his family in South Vancouver. Downs became a partner with Vancouver architect Fred Thornton Hollingsworth beginning in 1963, and then operated his own practice from 1967-1969. Downs founded the office of Downs, Archambault & Partners with Richard B. Archambault in 1969. After designing many notable residences, the firm moved to larger projects with the completion of the North Vancouver Civic Centre (1974), and housing for the False Creek Development in Vancouver (1974-1977). Other accomplished buildings include the Britannia Community Service Centre in Vancouver, the Lester Pearson College of the Pacific at Peddlers Bay on Vancouver Island, (a collaboration with architect Ronald Thom in 1977), and the Campbell River Museum in Campbell River, British Columbia. From 1992-1994 Downs, Archambault & Partners were the associate architects for Moshe Safdie's new Vancouver Public Library and Federal Office Building.

Finding aid

Canadian architects.
Architecture (object genre) Canada British Columbia 1950-1970.


Fonds (collections)
Architectural drawings (visual works)

Vedettes secondaires:

Hollingsworth, Fred Thornton, 1917-
Thom, Ronald James, 1923-1986.
Thompson, Berwick, Pratt & Partners.

Barry Downs archive, 1956-1968


Localisation: Bibliothèque archives collection 261370
Cote: AP077
Statut: Disponible


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