Court, cloister, and city : the art and culture of Central Europe, 1450-1800 / Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann.
Entrée principale:

Kaufmann, Thomas DaCosta.

Titre et auteur:

Court, cloister, and city : the art and culture of Central Europe, 1450-1800 / Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann.


Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1995.


576 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm

Maps on lining paper.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 469-552) and index.
1. Prologue to the Renaissance: Art and Architecture of the Fifteenth Century in Russia and Hungary -- 2. Jagellonians and Habsburgs: Art of the Courts c. 1500 -- 3. Art of the Towns: The Role of German-Speaking Artists c. 1500 -- 4. The Renaissance in German-Speaking Lands: Durer, his Contemporaries, and Humanism -- 5. The Problem of the Reception of the Renaissance: The Reformation and Art -- 6. Court, Castle and City in the Mid-Sixteenth Century -- 7. Kunst and the Kunstkammer: Collecting as a Phenomenon of the Renaissance in Central Europe -- 8. Princely Patronage of the Later Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries: The Example and Impact of Art at the Court of Rudolf II -- 9. Art on the Eve of the Thirty Years' War: The Catholic Reformation and the Arts -- 10. Art and the Thirty Years' War -- 11. Art and Architecture after the Thirty Years' War -- 12. Polonia Victoriosa; Austria Gloriosa.
Current Copyright Fee: GBP20.34 0.
Dust jacket.

In this book, Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann chronicles more than three hundred years of painting, sculpture, and architecture in Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Ukraine, Lithuania and western parts of the Russian Federation. Massive in scale, the book is highly accessible and lavishly illustrated. The readability of the text and the entirely new insights it provides into three hundred years of Central European history make this a vital introduction to one of the least understood periods in the history of art.


0226427293 (cloth)
9780226427294 (cloth)
0226427307 (paper)
9780226427300 (paper)


Association Mitteleuropa
Art Europe, Central.
Architecture Europe, Central.
Art Europe centrale Histoire.
Art Europe centrale.
Architecture Europe centrale.
Art, European Europe, Central.
Vie artistique Europe centrale 1500-1800.
Art Central Europe.
Architecture Central Europe.
Europe, Central Civilization.
Europe centrale Civilisation.
Central Europe.
Europe centrale Civilisation 1500-1800.
Central Europe Civilization.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 81281
Cote: ID N6754.K3; ID:95-B2645
Statut: Disponible


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