Meaning in the visual arts : views from the outside : a centennial commemoration of Erwin Panofsky (1892-1968) / edited by Irving Lavin.
Titre et auteur:

Meaning in the visual arts : views from the outside : a centennial commemoration of Erwin Panofsky (1892-1968) / edited by Irving Lavin.


Princeton : Institute for Advanced study, 1995.


xiii, 399 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm

Proceedings of a symposium held at the Institute for Advanced Study, Oct. 1-3, 1993.
Includes bibliographical references.
Panofsky's history of art / Irving Lavin -- Meaning in the visual arts as a humanistic discipline / David Summers -- Panofsky and Lévi-Strauss (and iconographers and Mythologiques) ... re-regarded / James A. Boon -- Making things meaningful : approaches to the interpretation of the Ice Age imagery of Europe / Margaret W. Conkey -- Re/writing the primitive : art criticism and the circulation of aboriginal painting / Fred Myers -- Myth and structure at Disney World / Shelly Errington -- Something happened : Panofsky and cultural history / Donald R. Kelley -- Panofsky, Alberti, and the ancient world / Anthony Grafton -- "Item perspectiva ist ein lateinisch Wort, bedeutt ein Durcheshung" : a reformation re-vision of the relation between idea and image / Kristin E.S. Zapalc -- Pleasure in the visual arts / Randolph Starn -- A student of rhetoric in the field of art history : from Curtis to Panofsky / Marc Fumaroli -- The poetics of wonder / Philip Fisher -- "The vast disorder of objects" : photography and the demise of formalist aesthetics / Wendy Steiner -- What is visual culture? / W.J.T. Mitchell -- Relativity not relativism : some thoughts on the histories of science and art, having re-read Panofsky / Martin Kemp -- English gardens in Berlin : aesthetics, technology, power / M. Norton Wise -- Music and iconology / Ellen Rosand -- Music as a visual language / James Haar -- What obstacles must be overcome, just in case we wish to speak of meaning in the musical arts? / Leo Treitler -- Ventriloquism / Carolyn Abbate -- Iconology at the movies : Panofsky's film theory / Thomas Y. Levin -- The mummy's return : a Kleinian film scenario / Annette Michelson -- Thouhts on Erwin Panofsky's first years in Princeton / Craig Hugh Smyth -- Words, images, ellipses / Horst Bredekamp -- The Panofsky conference : a window on academic culture in the humanities / Carl Schorske -- Struggling with a deconstructed Panofsky / Willibald Sauerländer.

069100630X (cl ; acid-free paper)
9780691006307 (cl ; acid-free paper)


Panofsky, Erwin, 1892-1968 Criticism and interpretation Congresses.
Panofsky, Erwin, 1892-1968.
Panofsky, Erwin, (1892-1968) Critique et interprétation Congrès.
Visual perception Congresses.
Art Psychology Congresses.
Perception visuelle Congrès.
Art Psychologie Congrès.
20.05 art in relation with other areas of culture: general.
Art Psychology.
Visual perception.
Perception des images Congrès.
Psychologie de l'art Congrès.
Arts Aesthetics


Conference papers and proceedings.
Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Congresses (form)
Commemorative publications (form)

Vedettes secondaires:

Panofsky, Erwin, 1892-1968.
Lavin, Irving, 1927-2019.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 107486
Cote: N7480.8.P195 (ID:96-B1079)
Statut: Disponible


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