Architecture from the outside in : selected essays / by Robert Gutman ; edited by Dana Cuff and John Wriedt, editors ; with dialogues by Bryan Bell ...[et al].
Entrée principale:

Gutman, Robert.

Titre et auteur:

Architecture from the outside in : selected essays / by Robert Gutman ; edited by Dana Cuff and John Wriedt, editors ; with dialogues by Bryan Bell ...[et al].


1st ed.


New York : Princeton Architectural Press, 2010.


343 pages ; 23 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 326-327) and index.
1. Practices : Architecture: the entrepreneurial profession -- Professions and their discontents: the psychodynamics of architectural practice -- The designer in architectural practice -- Dialogues : Pre-form and post-form design activism / Bryan Bell -- Design and contemporary practice / Peggy Deamer -- Fitting in: architecture in the art gallery / Wallis Miler -- 2. Buildings and projects : Human nature in architectural theory: the example of Louis Kahn -- House VI -- Building evaluation, user satisfaction, and design -- Dialogues : Asking questions / Patricia Morton -- An architecture of the workplace / Deborah Berke -- 3. Sociology and architecture : The questions architects ask -- SIte planning and social behavior -- Dialogues : Sociologists in the studio: conflict and cooperation / Robert Fishman -- Parallels and connections / Frank Duffy -- 4. Housing : A sociologist looks at housing -- U.S. architects and housing: 5 relationships -- Two questions for architects -- Dialogues : Translating the harsh speech of the developer: Robert Gutman and the design of American housing / Eric Mumford -- Modern housing: a California story / Marta Gutman -- 5. Architectural education : Educating architects: pedagogy and the pendulum -- Discipline building -- Two discourses of architectural education -- Dialogues : The place of the public in archtectural education: a case study in Kentucky / David Mohney -- Welcome to the banquet (or, how to increase the relative happiness of the M. Arch. thesis student) / Sarah Whiting -- The activist entrepreneur / Keller Easterling.

This work is organized into five sections (practices, buildings and projects, architecture and sociology, housing, and architectural education) with 14 essays/articles by Gutman, each preceded by a brief introduction setting the context in which it was written.


9781568988962 (alk. paper)
1568988966 (alk. paper)


Architecture and society.
Architecture et société.



Vedettes secondaires:

Cuff, Dana, 1953-
Wriedt, John.
Bell, Bryan, 1959-


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 266319
Cote: BIB 198016
Statut: Disponible


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