The restoration and conservation of Islamic monuments in Egypt / edited by Jere L. Bacharach.
Titre et auteur:

The restoration and conservation of Islamic monuments in Egypt / edited by Jere L. Bacharach.


Cairo : American University in Cairo Press, 1995.


ix, 194 pages : illustrations, map ; 25 cm

Proceedings of the International Conference on the Restoration and Conservation of Islamic Monuments in Egypt, 12-15 June 1993, Cairo, sponsored by the American Research Center in Egypt.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Preface -- Urban memory and the preservation of monuments / Irene A. Bierman -- Conservation priorities in Cairo today / Daryl Fowler -- Restoration work in Cairo : past, present, and future / Medhat al-Minabbawy -- The Egyptian-German restoration of the Darb al-Qirmiz, Cairo / Philipp Speiser -- Restoration of the Mausoleum of al-Salih Najm al-Din Ayyub /Nairy Hampikian -- The Italian-Egyptian Restoration Center's work in the Mevlevi Complex in Cairo / Giuseppe Fanfoni -- A Polish-Egyptian restoration project at the Eastern Cemetery in Cairo / Jaroslaw Dobrolowski -- The preservation and retrofit of Islamic monuments in Cairo after the earthquake of 12 October 1992 / David W. Look -- Priorities in selecting restoration sites : an urban-conscious approach / Ahmed S. Ouf -- The impact of environmental pollution on the Mosque of al-Azhar and the complex of al-Ghuri / Abd El-Zaher A. Abo El-Ela -- Ground water and the deterioration of Islamic buildings in Egypt / Mohammed Abd El-Hady -- Structural aspects of damage to Islamic monuments / A.A. Abdel Gawad, M.S. Hilal, M. About Kefa -- Restoration of the Mosque of al-Zahir Baybars in Cairo / Saleh Lamei -- Safety evaluation and restoration techniques of Islamic monuments / Giorgio Croci -- A structural assessment of old domed masonry buildings in seismic zones / Erhan Karaesmen, Engin Karaesmen -- Conservation of the Islamic monuments of Cairo / Jane Slate Siena -- The spirit of the conference / Mark M. Easton -- Resolutions of the International Conference.

"The Cairo earthquake of October 1992 was the immediate background to an international conference of art historians, engineers, and architects, held in Cairo in June 1993 to discuss general and specific problems related to the preservation and conservation of Islamic monuments in Egypt, with particular focus on Cairo. The papers presented in this volume record the views and experiences of this diverse group of specialists. The opening essay raises critical theoretical issues on the nature of restoration and how decisions to repair, replace, or remove particular elements in a building reflect the values of a particular time and group of individuals. A second essay addresses the question of approaching restoration in terms of an historic zone rather than particular buildings, and others demonstrate the breadth of overseas involvement in the restoration of Cairo's Islamic monuments. The technical problems facing any restoration or conservation project in Egypt are the focus of the second part of the book: topics range from the problems of retrofitting monuments to prevent further damage from earthquakes to concerns with the ground water and pollutants. The book reveals how much has been achieved since the last such conference over a decade ago, in particular the growing participation of Egyptians in the conservation and preservation of their heritage." http://books.google.com/books?id=V9nVAAAAMAAJ.




Islamic architecture Conservation and restoration Egypt Congresses.
Monuments Conservation and restoration Egypt Congresses.
Architecture islamique Conservation et restauration Égypte Congrès.
Monuments Conservation et restauration Égypte Congrès.
Islamic architecture Conservation and restoration
Monuments Conservation and restoration
Islamitische bouwkunst.
Architecture islamique Égypte Conservation et restauration Congrès.
Égypte Antiquités Conservation et restauration Congrès.


Kongress Kairo 1993.
proceedings (reports)
Conference papers and proceedings
Actes de congrès.
Kairo (1993)

Vedettes secondaires:

Bacharach, Jere L., 1938-
International Conference on the Restoration and Conservation of Islamic Monuments in Egypt (1993 : Cairo, Egypt)


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 117776
Cote: ID NA6081.R47; ID:95-B1448
Statut: Disponible


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