Apostle of taste : Andrew Jackson Downing, 1815-1852 / David Schuyler.
Entrée principale:

Schuyler, David.

Titre et auteur:

Apostle of taste : Andrew Jackson Downing, 1815-1852 / David Schuyler.


Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996.


xii, 290 pages : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm.


Creating the North American landscape

"Published in cooperation with the Center for American Places, Harrisonburg, Virginia"--Preliminary page.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 237-282) and index.
Downing's Newburgh and the Spirit of Place -- The Making of the Treatise -- Theory and Practice -- A Gospel of Taste -- Reforming Rural Life -- Toward an American Architecture -- Downing and Vaux, Architects -- The Metropolitan Landscape -- Tastemaker to the Nation -- Writings of Andrew jackson Downing.

Apostle of taste is the first full-length biography of Downing, the horticulturist, landscape gardener, and prolific writer on architecture who, more than any other individual, shaped middle-class taste in the United States in the two decades prior to the Civil War. Through his books and the pages of the Horticulturist, Downing preached a gospel of taste that promoted the modern or natural style of landscape design over the formal and geometric arrangements that were the hallmark of eighteenth- and early-nineteenth-century gardens. Together with his longtime collaborator, architect Alexander Jackson Davis, he contributed to the revolution in American architectural taste from the universality of the classical revival to Gothic, Italianate, bracketed, and other romantic or picturesque styles.
Downing celebrated this progression from classic to romantic not simply as a change in stylistic preference but also as a reflection of the nation's evolution from a pioneer condition to a more advanced state of civilization. In this compelling new biography, illustrated with more than 100 drawings, plans, and photographs, David Schuyler explores the origins of Downing's ideas in English aesthetic theory and his efforts to "adapt" English designs to the different climate and republican social institutions of the United States. Schuyler traces the impulse toward an American architectural style in Downing's work, demonstrates the influence of Downing's ideas on the appropriate design of homes and gardens, and analyzes the complications of class implicit in Downing's prescriptions for American society.


0801852293 (hc ; alk. paper)
9780801852299 (hc ; alk. paper)


Downing, A. J. (Andrew Jackson), 1815-1852.
Downing, Andrew Jackson, 1815-1852.
Downing, Andrew J. 1815-1852
Downing, Andrew Jackson.
Downing, Andrew J.
Landscape architects United States Biography.
Horticulturists United States Biography.
Architectes paysagistes États-Unis Biographies.
Horticulteurs États-Unis Biographies.
Landscape architects
United States
Landscape design
American architects.
American landscape architects.
American architectural firms.
American landscape architecture firms.
Landscape architecture United States New York (State) 1840-1860.
Architecture (object genre) United States New York (State) 1850-1860.
Unbuilt projects United States.


collective biographies.

Vedettes secondaires:

Center for American Places.
Creating the North American landscape.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 207728
Cote: NA44.D751.9 S3 1996
Statut: Disponible


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