Bourdier, Jean-Paul.
Drawn from African dwellings / Jean-Paul Bourdier and Trinh T. Minh-ha.
Bloomington, Ind. : Indiana University Press, ©1996.
xiii, 308 pages : illustrations, map ; 32 cm
This exquisitely illustrated study takes us into the traditionally built dwellings of African society. This "life-in-architecture" material culture reveals the socioeconomic and cosmological organization and the world views of these societies. Bourdier and Trinh connect structural patterns - setting, design, decoration, orientation - to factors such as kinship, gender, history, religion, poetry, and oral traditions. The authors focus on a variety of African peoples, including the Fulbe, Tokolor, Sereer, Joola, Soninke, Mandingo, Jaxanke, and Bassari. Through photographs, beautifully detailed drawings, and theoretical reflections, Bourdier and Trinh challenge the common perception that traditional dwellings are static artifacts.
0253330432 (cloth ; alk. paper)
9780253330437 (cloth ; alk. paper)
Vernacular architecture Africa, West.
Symbolism in architecture Africa, West.
Housing, Rural Africa, West.
Architecture vernaculaire Afrique occidentale.
Symbolisme en architecture Afrique occidentale.
Logement rural Afrique occidentale.
Housing, Rural.
Symbolism in architecture.
Vernacular architecture.
Ländlicher Raum
Constructions rurales Afrique occidentale.
West Africa.
Trinh, T. Minh-Ha (Thi Minh-Ha), 1952-
African dwellings
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 120233
Cote: ID NA1598.B68; ID:96-B427
Statut: Disponible
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