Silver, Michael, 1964-
Reading drawing building / Michael Silver ; with an introduction by Stan Allen.
1st ed.
New York : Princeton Architectural Press, ©1996.
37 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm.
Pamphlet architecture ; 19
An exquisitely designed volume that juxtaposes two projects; the Library and the Drawing Machine. Together, these projects explore reading and drawing as activities occurring within, on, about, and through architecture. In collapsing the separation between language and architecture, the projects trace an indivisible continuity between these seemingly distinct modes of representation. As Stan Allen explains in his introduction, the projects' "meaning is in the way [they] work, and vice-versa." Reading Drawing Building also examines the place of the book in a world increasingly dominated by computers and the way chance determines structure and operation of the metropolis.
1568980795 (alk. paper)
9781568980799 (alk. paper)
Architecture Research.
Reading rooms.
Seismology Research.
Architecture Recherche.
Salles de lecture.
Sismologie Recherche.
reading rooms.
Pamphlet architecture ; no. 19.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 216305
Cote: NA2005 .S5 1996
Statut: Disponible
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