Light from the dark room : a celebration of Scottish photography, a Scottish-Canadian collaboration / Sara Stevenson ; with essays by Alison Morrison-Low [and others].
Entrée principale:

Stevenson, Sara.

Titre et auteur:

Light from the dark room : a celebration of Scottish photography, a Scottish-Canadian collaboration / Sara Stevenson ; with essays by Alison Morrison-Low [and others].


Edinburgh : National Galleries of Scotland, 1995.


128 pages : illustrations (some color), portraits ; 28 cm

Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, July 28-Oct. 15, 1995.
"[A] collaboration between the National Galleries of Scotland, the National Library of Scotland, the National Museums of Scotland and, in Canada, the Centre Canadien d'Architecture/Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal, the National Archives of Canada and the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa"--Title page verso.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 125-127).
Introduction : Scotland and photography / Sara Stevenson -- A new dimension : a context for photography before 1860 / Alison Morrison-Low and Allen Simpson -- The continuum of realism : photography's beginnings / Julie Lawson -- Light from the dark room / Sara Stevenson -- Landscape in Scotland : photography and the poetics of place / Ray McKenzie -- Photography in Scotland : the human face / Robin Gillanders -- Scottish photography now : between the culture and the land / James Lawson.
Also issued online.



National Galleries of Scotland.
Scottish National Portrait Gallery.
National Library of Scotland.
National Museums of Scotland.
Centre canadien d'architecture.
National Archives of Canada.
National Gallery of Canada.
Photography, Artistic Exhibitions.
Photography Scotland Edinburgh Exhibitions.
Photography Canada Exhibitions.
Photographie artistique Expositions.
Photography, Artistic
Scotland Edinburgh


Exhibition catalogues.
Exhibition catalogs.

Vedettes secondaires:

Morrison-Low, A. D.
Royal Scottish Academy.
Scottish National Portrait Gallery.
National Galleries of Scotland.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 84455
Cote: TR61.S7 (ID:95-B3512)
Statut: Disponible


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