Art and film since 1945 : Hall of mirrors / organized by Kerry Brougher ; with essays by Kerry Brougher [and others].
Entrée principale:

Brougher, Kerry.

Titre et auteur:

Art and film since 1945 : Hall of mirrors / organized by Kerry Brougher ; with essays by Kerry Brougher [and others].


Los Angeles, CA : Museum of Contemporary Art, 1996.


327 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 28 cm

Exhibition: Museum of Contemporary Art at the Temporary Contemporary, Los Angeles, Mar. 17, 1996-July 28, 1996.
"Selected bibliographies for artists and filmmakers in the exhibition": pages 313-317.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 310-312).
Hall of mirrors / Kerry Brougher -- Beautiful moments / Russell Ferguson -- The "other" cinema : American avant-garde film of the 1960s / Bruce Jenkins -- Engaging perspectives : film, feminism, psychoanalysis, and the problem of vision / Kate Linker -- Notes on painting and film / Robert Rosen -- Dr. Mabuse and Mr. Edison / Jonathan Crary -- History without object / Molly Nesbit -- Art and film : a chronology / Mariana Amatullo.
Also issued online.

Art and Film Since 1945: Hall of Mirrors explores the complex and profound relationship between cinema and the visual arts in the postwar era. It examines how art has shifted toward film, how film has been influenced by art, and how the two have fused into new forms of artistic expression. Published in conjunction with a major exhibition organized by The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, Art and Film features work by more than one hundred of the century's most remarkable filmmakers and artists, such as Joseph Cornell, Alfred Hitchcock, Akira Kurosawa, Jean-Luc Godard, Michelangelo Antonioni, Richard Hamilton, Diane Arbus, Andy Warhol, Raul Ruiz, John Baldessari, Cindy Sherman, Hiroshi Sugimoto, and Stan Douglas. The book's seven essays range widely over themes including Hollywood glamour and stardom, the experimental cinema of the sixties, the influence of psychoanalytic and feminist film theory on art, nostalgia for cinema's golden age, and presentiments of its fragmentation and death. The dialogue between art and film returns frequently to cinema's origins, splintering and re-arranging into new, self-reflexive experiences that highlight and subvert film practice.


091435745X (pbk.)
9780914357452 (pbk.)
1885254210 (cloth)
9781885254214 (cloth)


Sugimoto, Hiroshi, 1948-
Baldessari, John, 1931-2020.
Sherman, Cindy.
Hopper, Dennis, 1936-2010.
Warhol, Andy, 1928-1987.
Bernard, Cindy, 1959-
Weegee, 1899-1968.
Frank, Robert, 1924-2019.
Hamilton, Richard, 1922-2011.
Art and motion pictures Exhibitions.
Art et cinéma Expositions.
Art and motion pictures
Cinema Storia.


Exhibition catalogues.
Exhibition publications.
Exhibition catalogs

Vedettes secondaires:

Brougher, Kerry.
Museum of Contemporary Art (Los Angeles, Calif.)

Hall of mirrors


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 115204
Cote: ID PN1995.25.B76; ID:96-B2734
Statut: Disponible


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