Allan Greenberg : selected works.
Titre et auteur:

Allan Greenberg : selected works.


London : Academy Editions, 1995.


128 pages : illustrations (some color), plans ; 31 cm.


Architectural monographs ; no. 39

Includes bibliographical references (page 127).
Allan Greenberg and the Difficult Whole of Architecture / Carroll William Westfall -- What is Modern Architecture? An American Perspective / Allan Greenberg -- SELECTED WORKS. Bergdorf Goodman, Fifth Avenue, New York -- Luman Reed Gallery, New-York Historical Society, New York -- Simon & Schuster Offices, New York -- Brant Publications Offices, New York -- The News Building, Athens, Georgia -- Treaty Room Suite, United States Department of State, Washington, District of Columbia -- Offices of the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of State, United States Department of State, Washington, District of Columbia -- Proposed Trellis Room, The White House, Washington, District of Columbia -- Proposed Benjamin Franklin State Dining Room, United States Department of State, Washington, District of Columbia -- J. Wilson Newman Pavilion, Miller Center of Public Affairs, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia -- Nos. 2 and 4, St Paul's Churchyard, Paternoster Square, City of London -- Proposed Darden Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia -- Proposed International Cultural and Trade Center Building, Federal Triangle, Washington, District of Columbia -- West Wing Addition, State Library and Supreme Court Building, Hartford, Connecticut -- State of Connecticut Superior Court Building, Manchester, Connecticut -- Church of the Immaculate Conception, Clinton, New Jersey -- Tercentenary Hall, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia -- Huckleberry House, New England -- Cottage of the Eastern Seaboard -- Beechwoods, New England -- Residence in Connecticut -- Farmhouse in Connecticut -- Residence in Fairfield County, Connecticut -- Residence at Conyers Farm, Greenwich, Connecticut -- Town House in New York -- Country Estate in New England -- Three Residences Under Construction -- The Seventh-day Adventist Church of Burr Ridge, Burr Ridge, Illinois -- Furniture and Interiors -- Proposed United States Federal Courthouse and Public Plaza, Minneapolis, Minnesota -- Proposed Holocaust Memorial, Battery Park, New York -- Proposed Apartment House, Park Avenue, New York -- In Appreciation -- Published Writings by Allan Greenberg.
Also issued online.

1854902628 (pbk.)
9781854902627 (pbk.)


Greenberg, Allan, 1938-
Greenberg, Allan.
Greenberg, Allan 1938-
Greenberg, Allan C. (Allan Carl), 1940-.
Architecture United States.
Architecture États-Unis.
21.62 history of architecture.
Architecture United States History 20th century.
Architects United States 20th century.
United States.



Vedettes secondaires:

Architectural monographs ; no. 39.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 119621
Cote: ID NA44.G795; ID:95-B1891
Statut: Disponible


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