The body and the city : psychoanalysis, space, and subjectivity / Steve Pile.
Entrée principale:

Pile, Steve, 1961- author.

Titre et auteur:

The body and the city : psychoanalysis, space, and subjectivity / Steve Pile.


London ; New York : Routledge, 1996.


ix, 276 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 257-268) and indexes.
Introduction: The unknown spaces of the mind -- pt. 1. Geographies of the subject: Environment, behaviour, mind ; Geographies of human agency ; Conclusion to part 1 -- pt. 2. Spaces of the subject: Introduction to part 2: Geographers and psychoanalysis ; Myth placed: the traumas and dramas of childhood ; Misplaced: locating the 'I'in the filed of the other ; Conclusion to part 2: Psychoanalysis and space -- pt. 3. The subject of space: Introduction to part 3 ; Bodies: desire and disgust in the flesh ; In the city: state of mind and body ; Conclusion: Places for the politics of the subject.

Over the last century, psychoanalysis has transformed the ways in which we think about our relationships with others. Psychoanalytic concepts and methods, such as the unconscious and dream analysis, have greatly impacted on social, cultural and political theory. Reinterpreting the ways in which geography has explored people's mental maps and their deepest feelings about places, The Body and the City outlines a new cartography of the subject. The author maps the key coordinates of meaning, identity and power across the sites of body and city. Exploring a wide range of critical thinking, particularly the work of Lefebvre, Freud and Lacan, he analyses the dialectic between the individual and the external world to present a pathbreaking psychoanalysis of space.


0415066492 (hbk.)
9780415066495 (hbk.)
0415141923 (pbk.)
9780415141925 (pbk.)


Psychoanalysis and human geography.
Spatial behavior.
Personal space.
Urban ecology (Sociology)
City dwellers.
Psychoanalytic Theory
Social Behavior
Urban Population
Personal Space
Spatial Behavior
Urban ecology.
Psychanalyse et géographie humaine.
Comportement spatial.
Espace personnel.
Écologie urbaine.
urban environments.
spatial behavior.
Persoonlijke ruimte.
Psychologische aspecten.
Ruimte (algemeen)
Human geography Psychological aspects.
Human geography.
Environmental psychology.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 255919
Cote: BIB 186197
Statut: Disponible


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