McCracken, Robert D.
Las Vegas : the great American playground / Robert D. McCracken.
Fort Collins, Colo. : Marion Street Pub. Co., 1996.
xi, 127 pages : illustrations, maps ; 26 cm
"One of the most interesting things about Las Vegas is how quickly it grew from almost nothing to its present size and stature as an entertainment and gaming mecca. What is equally remarkable is that this development took place in the middle of an inhospitable desert. Ninety years ago, the valley in which Las Vegas sits featured a handful of small, dusty ranches. Today, a huge city, perhaps the most unusual in the world, occupies the valley, and a million people call it home. Thirty million people per year visit this desert paradise."--BOOK JACKET. "Las Vegas: The Great American Playground, illustrated with many fine historical photographs, traces the city's history from its Native American occupants more than 10,000 years ago to its present status as a premiere tourist destination. It is the story of a group of colorful and enterprising individuals who made the desert bloom with undreamed-of possibilities."--Jacket
0963911988 (pbk.)
9780963911988 (pbk.)
Las Vegas (Nev.) History.
Las Vegas (Nev.) Description and travel.
Nevada Las Vegas.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 190612
Cote: ID F849.L35.M33; ID:96-B1140
Statut: Disponible
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