Illuminations : women writing on photography from the 1850s to the present / edited by Liz Heron and Val Williams.
Titre et auteur:

Illuminations : women writing on photography from the 1850s to the present / edited by Liz Heron and Val Williams.


Durham, N.C. : Duke University Press, 1996.


xv, 521 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 479-512).
Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- On the Daguerreotype -- A Lady Photographer who Never Photographs Men -- Annals of My Glass House -- Photography During the July Monarchy 1830-1898 -- The Camera Against the Paris Commune -- Extending the Grand Tour -- Tracing Nadar -- Germany: The Weimar Republic -- Photomontage -- The Supremacy of the Message -- Dada -- A Hundred Years of Photography -- I Worked with Man Ray -- The Photographic Conditions of Surrealism -- A Mutable Mirror: Claude Cahun -- The Armed Vision Disarmed -- Radical Formalism from Weapon to Style -- Photography, 1914 -- Exhibitions and Commercial Work -- In Pursuit of Perfection -- Early Years -- Life Begins -- Looking at Life -- The Assignment I'll Never Forget -- A Crisis in the Intimate -- One Time, One Place -- The Photo League -- Documentary Photography -- The Politics of Photography -- The Siege of St Malo -- Star Wars: The Photographer as Polemicist in Vietnam -- Photography at the Crossroads -- What Shall We Tell the Children? Photography and Its Text (Books) -- Crowned with Thorns: Creative Camera 1965-1978 -- On Photography -- What Becomes a Legend Most: The Short, Sad Career of Diane Arbus -- Tina Modotti: Letters to Edward Weston -- On Photography -- Re-reading Edward Weston -- Feminism, Photography and Psychoanalysis -- Ansel Adams: The Eloquent Light -- Good Intentions -- Witkin's Others -- The Other Side -- Time Exposure: The Photographs of Patrick Faigenbaum -- Cindy Sherman: Burning Down the House -- Winning the Game When the Rules Have Been Changed: Art Photography and Postmodernism -- Two Types of Photography Criticism Located in Relation to Lynn Silverman's Series -- Of Mother Nature and Marlboro Men: An Inquiry into the Cultural Meanings of Landscape Photography -- Dykes in Context: Some Problems in Minority Representation -- Dialogue with Spectatorship: Barbara Kruger and Victor Burgin -- Between Frames -- The Pleasure of the Phototext -- Interview: Fetishism of Black-and-White and the Vulgarity of Colour -- Partial Recall -- The Unveiled: Algerian Women -- Through Indian Eyes -- Essential Differences, Photographs of Mexican Women -- A Strategy of Appearances -- The Australian Bicentenary -- Showing Our Faces -- A Century of Black Women Photographed -- Gateway to a Labyrinth -- Isak Dinesen and Photo/Graphic Recollection -- Remembrance -- Notes -- Additional Notes on the Contributors -- Copyrights and Permissions.
Also issued online.

0822317842 (cloth ; alk. paper)
9780822317845 (cloth ; alk. paper)
0822317923 (paper ; alk. paper)
9780822317920 (paper ; alk. paper)


Photographic criticism.
Women photographers.
Critique photographique.
Femmes photographes.
Geschichte 1850-1990.

Vedettes secondaires:

Heron, Liz, 1947-
Williams, Val, 1949-


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 117481
Cote: TR187.I45 (ID:96-B3266)
Statut: Disponible


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