Bust to boom : documentary photographs of Kansas, 1936-1949 / edited by Constance B. Schulz ; text & commentary by Donald Worster.
Lawrence, Kansas : University Press of Kansas, [1996]
ix, 157 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
Constance Schulz has brought together a diverse array of photographs from three extensive documentary projects: the Farm Security Administration, the Office of War Information, and Standard Oil of New Jersey. The result is a unique visual record of American life by photographers Arthur Rothstein, John Vachon, Russell Lee, Marion Post Wolcott, Jack Delano, Edwin and Louise Rosskam, and Charles Rotkin. Collectively, their work has immortalized the faces and emotions of FSA-aided farmers and the harsh lives of coal miners, dust bowl debris and tumbleweeds, a failed bank and thriving stockyard, locomotives and Mexican-American railroad workers, oil derricks, wheat country, black cavalry troops, and 4-H Club fairs. In his enlightening introduction, environmental historian Donald Worster provides essential historical context for the images.
0700607994 (alk. paper)
9780700607990 (alk. paper)
Depressions 1929 Kansas Pictorial works.
Documentary photography Kansas.
Crises économiques 1929 Kansas Ouvrages illustrés.
Photographie documentaire Kansas.
Documentary photography
Manners and customs
Social conditions
Kansas Social life and customs Pictorial works.
Kansas Social conditions Pictorial works.
Kansas Mœurs et coutumes Ouvrages illustrés.
Kansas Conditions sociales Ouvrages illustrés.
Illustrated works
Schulz, Constance B., editor.
Worster, Donald, 1941- author.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 193531
Cote: ID F682.B87; ID:97-B4582
Statut: Disponible
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