Kaganov, G. Z. (Grigoriĭ Zosimovich)
Images of space : St. Petersburg in the visual and verbal arts / Grigory Kaganov ; translated by Sidney Monas.
Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, ©1997.
xxv, 206 pages : illustrations, map ; 19 x 24 cm
The highly original work is about the spatial imagination as it has manifested itself in one of the most beautiful and historically important cities in the world. The subject is not the buildings, trees, and rivers of St. Petersburg, but the spaces between them: space as a conceptual interval, not as emptiness. Emptiness and space are not synonyms, the author argues. One way or another, space is formed and shaped into a structure that can be perceived, but emptiness has no distinct articulation or content.
Interpreting the unique space of Petersburg since its founding in Russian and Soviet art, this richly illustrated book analyzes the changes of "spatial conception" that were inwardly linked with the development of Russian culture and that manifested themselves in poetry and prose, in architecture and fashion, in interior design and painting.
0804727422 (cloth ; alk. paper)
9780804727426 (cloth ; alk. paper)
Die Stadt ohne Juden
Space (Architecture) in art.
Art, Russian.
Espace (Architecture) dans l'art.
Art russe.
20.21 iconographic themes.
17.93 themes and motives in literature.
Sankt Petersburg
Beeldende kunsten.
Saint Petersburg (Russia) in art.
Saint Petersburg (Russia) In art.
Sankt Petersburg Ansichten.
Russia (Federation) Saint Petersburg.
Saint-Pétersbourg (Russie) Dans l'art.
Sankt Petersburg (Motiv)
works of art.
Œuvres d'art.
Monas, Sidney, translator.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 128183
Cote: N8214.5.R9.K34 (ID:97-B1548)
Statut: Disponible
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