The later medieval city, 1300-1500 / David Nicholas.
Entrée principale:

Nicholas, David, 1939-

Titre et auteur:

The later medieval city, 1300-1500 / David Nicholas.


London ; New York : Longman, 1997.


xiv, 430 pages : illustrations, maps ; 23 cm.


A history of urban society in Europe

Includes bibliographical references (pages 360-396) and index.
1. The Medieval City at the Turn of the Fourteenth Century -- 2. Cities in Crisis: the Economic and Demographic Realignments of Urban Europe in the Later Middle Ages. The International Emporia. The Demographic Disasters of the Later Middle Ages. Urban Decline in the Fifteenth Century -- 3. The City and the Region: City-states and the Symbiosis of the Rural and Urban Economies. City and Region: Rural Landownership by Burgesses and Urban Political Supremacy -- 4. City Governments and Urban Conflict: Patricians and Political Guilds. City Lords and Municipal Governments in the Later Middle Ages. City Government with Guild Participation, c. 1330-c. 1370. The Urban Rebellions of the Fourteenth Century: the First Phase.

The Later Medieval City, 1300-1500, the second part of David Nicholas's ambitious two-volume study of cities and city life in the Middle Ages, fully lives up to its splendid precursor, The Growth of the Medieval City. (Like that volume it is fully self-sufficient, though many readers will want to use the two as a continuum.) This book covers a much shorter period than the first. That traced the rise of the medieval European city system from late antiquity to the early fourteenth century; this offers a portrait of the fully developed later medieval city in all its richness and complexity. Like its predecessor, this book is massively, and vividly, documented. Its approach is interdisciplinary and comparative, and its examples and case studies are drawn from across Europe: from France, England, Germany, the Low Countries, Iberia and Italy, with briefer reviews of the urban experience elsewhere from the Baltic to the Balkans. The result is the most wide-ranging and up-to-date study of its multifaceted subject.


0582013186 (CSD)
9780582013186 (CSD)
0582013178 (PPR)
9780582013179 (PPR)


Cities and towns, Medieval.
Cities and towns.
Villes médiévales.
history (discipline)
Cities and towns, Medieval Europe.
Villes Europe Histoire Moyen-âge.
Vie urbaine Europe Histoire Moyen-âge.
Villes médiévales Europe.
City planning Europe History.
Europe Conditions économiques 14e siècle.
Europe Conditions économiques 15e siècle.
Europe Conditions sociales 14e siècle.
Europe Conditions sociales 15e siècle.

Vedettes secondaires:

History of urban society in Europe.

Later medieval city


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 131252
Cote: ID HT115.N55; ID:97-B2382
Statut: Disponible


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