The Greek world : art and civilization in Magna Graecia and Sicily / edited by Giovanni Pugliese Carratelli ; [translators, Andrew Ellis [and others]].
Entrée principale:

Greci in Occidente. English.

Titre et auteur:

The Greek world : art and civilization in Magna Graecia and Sicily / edited by Giovanni Pugliese Carratelli ; [translators, Andrew Ellis [and others]].


New York : Rizzoli, 1996.


799 pages : illustrations (some color), maps (some color) ; 31 cm

Catalog of an exhibition held in the Palazzo Grassi, Venice, Mar.-Dec., 1996.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 760-779) and index.
Aegean thalassocracy / Christos G. Doumas -- Prehistoric background: the Minoan-Mycenaean civilization / Vincenzo La Rosa -- From the Minoic syllabary to the Greek alphabet / Pietro Militello -- Genesis of the Greek alphabet / Giovanni Garbini -- Greek forms of political structure / Filippo Càssola -- Profile of archaic Greek sculpture / Carlos A. Picon -- Profile of classical Greek sculpture / Alain Pasquier -- Outline of Hellenistic sculpture / Bernard Andreae -- Greek poetry and the role of Athens / Dyfri Williams -- Survey of Greek wall-painting / Agnès Rouveret -- First contacts between the Minoan-Mycenaean and the western Mediterranean worlds / Lucia Vagnetti -- Relations between Cyprus and the west in the precolonial period / David Ridgway -- Phoenicians in the western Mediterranean (through to the fifth century B.C.) / Giovanni Garbini -- Navigation and ships in the age of Greek colonization / Patrice Pomey -- Outline of the political history of the Greeks in the west / Giovanni Pugliese Carratelli -- Metropolises of the Western Greek colonies / Michail Sakellariou -- Greek colonization of the west: dialects / Renato Arena -- Maritime communications / Francesco Prontera -- Colonial experience in the Greek mythology / Bruno d'Agostino -- Constitutions of the western Greek states: Cyrenaica, Magna Graecia, Greek Sicily, and the Poleis of the Massaliot area / Franco Sartori -- Western Greeks: coinage / Giovanni Gorini -- City and countryside / Emanuele Greco -- Urban planning in Magna Graecia / Dieter Mertens, Emanuele Greco -- Urban planning in ancient Sicily / Antonio Di Vita -- Town planning in ancient Cyrenaica / Lidiano Bacchielli -- Greek architecture in the West / Dieter Mertens -- Greek military architecture in the West / Henri Tréziny -- Housing and workshop construction in the city / Marcella Barra Bagnasco -- Agricultural settlements / Joseph C. Carter -- Sculpture in Magna Graecia / Claude Rolley -- Siceliot sculpture in the archaic period / Giovanni Rizza -- Greek sculpture in Sicily in the classical period / Ernesto De Miro -- Sculpture and coroplastics in Sicily in the Hellenistic-Roman age / Nicola Bonacasa -- Sculpture in Greek Cyrenaica / Luigi Beschi -- Southern Italian and Sicilian vases / Margot Schmidt -- Wall-painting in Magna Graecia / Angela Pontrandolfo -- Jewelry of the Western Greeks / Pier Giovanni Guzzo -- Cults and religious doctrines of the Western Greeks / Gianfranco Maddoli -- Literary culture in Magna Graecia and Sicily / Marcello Gigante -- Literary history of Cyrenaica / Valeria Gigante Lanzara -- Philosophy in the western Greek world / Marcia Michela Sassi -- Impact of the Greek colonists on the non-Hellenic inhabitants of Sicily / Vincenzo La Rosa -- Impact of the Greek colonies on the indigenous peoples of Campania / Bruno d'Agostino -- Impact of the Greek colonies on the indigenous peoples of Lucania / Angelo Bottini -- Impact of the Greek colonies on the indigenous peoples of Apulia / Ettore M. de Juliis -- Greeks in the Po Valley / Pier Giovani Guzzo -- Encounter with Bruttii / Pier Giovanni Guzzo -- Greeks in Sardinia / Carlo Tronchetti -- Encounter with the Etruscans / Mario Torelli -- Greeks in Gaul and Corsica / Michel Bats -- Greek and Celtic worlds: a meeting of two cultures / Venceslas Kruta -- Greek influence on Italic art / Antonio Giuliano -- Greek artists in Republican Rome: a short history of sculpture / Eugenio La Rocca -- Legacy of the western Greeks in the art of late antiquity and the Middle Ages / Raffaella Farioli Campanati.

Exhibition catalog, 60 essays & 1600 photographs of artworks.




Art, Greek Italy Exhibitions.
Civilization, Western Greek influences Exhibitions.
Art, Greek.
Civilization Greek influences.
Civilization, Western Greek influences.
Art, Greek Italy Magna Graecia.
Art, Greek Italy Sicily.
Magna Graecia (Italy) Civilization Exhibitions.
Greece Civilization To 146 B.C. Exhibitions.
Sicily (Italy) Civilization Greek influences Exhibitions.
Sicily (Italy) Civilization To 800 Exhibitions.
Grande-Grèce Civilisation Expositions.
Grèce Civilisation Jusqu'à 146 av. J.-C. Expositions.
Sicile (Italie) Civilisation Jusqu'à 1282 Expositions.
Italy Magna Graecia.
Italy Sicily.
Magna Graecia (Italy) Antiquities.
Magna Graecia (Italy) Civilization Greek influences.
Sicily (Italy) Antiquities.
Sicily (Italy) Civilization To 800 Greek influences.


exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs.
Catalogues d'exposition.

Vedettes secondaires:

Pugliese Carratelli, Giovanni, 1911-2010.
Palazzo Grassi.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 111370
Cote: ID NX448.5.G7; ID:96-B1925
Statut: Disponible


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