Vasari's Florence : artists and literati at the Medicean Court / edited by Philip Jacks.
Titre et auteur:

Vasari's Florence : artists and literati at the Medicean Court / edited by Philip Jacks.


Cambridge ; New York, NY, USA : Cambridge University Press, 1998.


xvi, 320 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 305-313) and index.
Introduction / Philip Jacks -- Giorgio Vasari and the paragons of art / John Shearman -- Trick of art / Paul Barolsky -- Representation, misrepresentation, and non-representation: Vasari and his competitors / Elizabeth Pilliod -- Sprezzatura, patronage, and fate: Benvenuto Cellini and the world of words / Paolo L. Rossi -- Vasari on the practical / David Cast -- Modes and models in Vasari's early drawing oeuvre / Florian Harb -- Vasari's attitude toward collecting / Catherine Monbeig Goguel -- Vasari art collection / Creighton Gilbert.
Giorgio Vasari's collection of paintings: its provenance and its fate / Alessandro Cecchi -- Sala Grande in the Palazzo Vecchio and the precedence controversy between Florence and Ferrara / Robert Williams -- Vasari's painting of the Terzo Cerchio in the Palazzo Vecchio: a reconstruction of medieval Florence / Rick Scorza -- Circles of sovereignty: the tondi of the Sala Grande in the Palazzo Vecchio and the Medici Crown / Henk Th. Van Veen -- Papal history and historical invenzione: Vasari's frescoes in the Sala Regia / Jan L. De Jong.
Vasari's last paintings: the Cupola of Florence Cathedral / Cristina Acidini Luchinat.
Current Copyright Fee: GBP25.00 0.

Vasari's Florence explores the multifaceted career of Giorgio Vasari - painter, architect, artistic impresario, collector, and author of Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors and Architects, a text that stands at the foundation of art-historical writing up to the present. Born in Arezzo, Vasari became the adopted son of Florence, where he served Cosimo I for twenty years. The ducal court provided the setting for artists and literati to collaborate, while the commissioning of historical cycles served to further the political agenda of the Medici principate.
The essays in this volume examine Vasari's working relationship with his advisor, Vincenzo Borghini, from the decoration of the Palazzo Vecchio and the Sala Regia at the Vatican, to the master's last and greatest challenge, the cupola of Florence cathedral. Also offered are new insights into Vasari's writings - how Vasari constructed the Lives of his contemporaries to suit his objectives as an artist in his own right, and how his views have conditioned our understanding of Renaissance art.


0521580889 (hardback)
9780521580885 (hardback)


Vasari, Giorgio, 1511-1574 Criticism and interpretation.
Medici, House of Art patronage.
Maison des Médicis Mécénat.
Medici, House of.
Vasari, Giorgio, 1511-1574
Vasari, Giorgio 1511-1574
Medici Familie ca. 13.Jh.-18.Jh.
Bencivenni Medici Familie
Vasari, Giorgio, (1511-1574) Critique et interprétation.
Médicis (famille de) Mécénat.
Vasari, Giorgio.
Art, Renaissance Italy Florence.
Art, Italian Italy Florence.
Art de la Renaissance Italie Florence.
Art italien Italie Florence.
Art, Italian.
Art patronage.
Art, Renaissance.
Artists Italy 16th century.
Art de la Renaissance Italie Florence (Italie)
Art Italie Italie Florence (Italie)
Italy Florence.


Criticism, interpretation, etc.

Vedettes secondaires:

Vasari, Giorgio, 1511-1574.
Jacks, Philip Joshua, 1954-


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 180335
Cote: ID N6923.V32.V37; ID:98-B740
Statut: Disponible


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