Learning by building : design and construction in architectural education / by William Carpenter ; with essays by Dan Hoffman [and others].
Entrée principale:

Carpenter, William J., 1962-

Titre et auteur:

Learning by building : design and construction in architectural education / by William Carpenter ; with essays by Dan Hoffman [and others].


New York : Van Nostrand Reinhold, ©1997.


xi, 180 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Part I. Design/build education : 1. Process and construction : A history of construction in architectural education ; Construction as a learning tool ; Drawing to build ; Materiality ; Work and collaboration -- 2. Artists and architects as constructors : Richard Serra ; Walter Pichler ; Carlo Scarpa ; The Jersey Devil ; Christopher Alexander -- Part II. Construction studios : Yestermorrow Design / Build School ; Cranbrook Academy of Art ; University of Washington ; Yale University ; The Auburn University Rural Studio ; The Catholic University of America ; Clemson University ; The University of Oregon ; The University of Michigan ; Woodbury University ; Southern Polytechnic State University -- Part III. From education to practice : Georgia Studio ; Virginia House ; Connecticut House.
Current Copyright Fee: GBP32.00 0.

Based on the example of famous architects such as Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier, who considered construction an integral part of the design process, "design-build" is standard practice in growing numbers of today's architecture firms. Architect and professor William J. Carpenter explores ways to integrate construction into architectural education, bridging the gap between theory and practice - between designing and building. Ten in-depth case studies of schools that have incorporated design-build into their curriculum illustrate how construction studios help future architects learn real-life pragmatics and collaboration. Through text and photographs, Mr. Carpenter recounts the diverse experiences of high-profile schools such as Cranbrook and Yale University, providing models for other schools that wish to include design-build in their curriculums.




Architecture Study and teaching United States.
Building Study and teaching United States.
Architecture Étude et enseignement États-Unis.
Architecture Study and teaching.
Building Study and teaching.
United States.

Vedettes secondaires:

Hoffman, Dan, 1951-


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 192567
Cote: ID NA2005.C37; ID:97-B3654
Statut: Disponible


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