Update report 1990 : household and housing projections, 1986-2001 / prepared by Research Division of the Regional Group ; with revisions by RMOC Planning Dept. ; prepared for Policy and Program Division, Planning Dept., Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton, 1990.
[Ottawa : Policy and Program Division, Ottawa-Carleton, 1990]
vi, 21, [6] p. ; 28 cm.
Housing forecasting Ontario Ottawa-Carleton.
Household surveys Ontario Ottawa-Carleton.
Logement Prévision Ontario Ottawa-Carleton.
Housing choice Ontario Ottawa-Carleton.
Household surveys.
Housing forecasting.
Ottawa-Carleton (Ont.)
Ontario Ottawa-Carleton.
Housing Statistics Ottawa-carleton (Ont.)
Households Ottawa-carleton (Ont.) Projections
Housing Needs Ottawa-carleton (Ont.) Projections
Ottawa-Carleton (Ont.). Planning Department. Policy and Program Division.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 300591
Cote: BIB 246809
Statut: Disponible
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