Smith, Kathryn, 1945-
Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin and Taliesin West / Kathryn Smith ; with photographs by Judith Bromley.
New York, N.Y. : Abrams, 1997.
159 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 26 cm
Taliesin and Taliesin West both included a residence for Wright and his family, a studio, living quarters for the apprentices of the Taliesin Fellowship, and communal rooms for dining, music, and the projection of films, but they were a study in contrasts in every other way. Taliesin was sited overlooking lush, contoured farmland, whereas Taliesin West was incorporated into the rugged, arid desert. Taliesin evoked protection with deep, hovering roofs, while Taliesin West seemed ephemeral with only translucent canvas overhead. The stimulation of these contrasts inspired and sustained Wright until his death in 1959. Today both sites are still in operation, housing the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture and Taliesin Architects.
0810939916 (clothbound)
9780810939912 (clothbound)
0810926865 (Taliesin pb)
9780810926868 (Taliesin pb)
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 1867-1959 Homes and haunts Wisconsin Spring Green.
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 1867-1959 Homes and haunts Arizona Scottsdale.
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 1867-1959.
Wright, Frank Lloyd 1867-1959
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 1867-1959 Criticism and interpretation.
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 1867-1959 Homes and haunts.
Wright, Frank Lloyd, (1867-1959) Résidences et lieux familiers États-Unis Wisconsin.
Wright, Frank Lloyd.
Taliesin (Spring Green, Wis.)
Taliesin West (Scottsdale, Ariz.)
Taliesin (Spring Green, Wisc.)
Taliesin Fellowship
Wright, Frank Lloyd (1867-1959) Résidences et lieux familiers Etats-Unis Arizona.
Architecture, Domestic United States 20th century.
Architects United States 20th century.
Architecture 20e siècle États-Unis.
Arizona Scottsdale.
Wisconsin Spring Green.
Taliesin West
Wright, Frank Lloyd 1867-1959 Homes and haunts Arizona Scottsdale
Wright, Frank Lloyd 1867-1959 Homes and haunts Wisconsin Spring Green
Quotations (texts)
Taliesin and Taliesin West
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 200049
Cote: NA44.W949.25 T35 1997
Statut: Disponible
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