Bosley, Edward R.
University of Pennsylvania Library : Frank Furness / Edward R. Bosley.
London : Phaidon, 1996.
60 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 30 cm
Architecture in detail
Cloaked in its brilliant mantle of brick, fiery terracotta and red sandstone, the University of Pennsylvania Library stands as the mature-period masterwork of Philadelphia's premier Victorian-era architect, Frank Furness. Conceived in consultation with two eminent library theoreticians, the library plan evolved from practical experience with the inadequacies of nineteenth-century library buildings; the result was a modern factory for learning, a machine for the use and storage of books.
Furness's rationalized plan, expressed on the exterior as a bold design, was challenged for decades, and anti-Victorian sentiment threatened the edifice with demolition as late as the 1960s. Renewed appreciation has since come full circle, however, culminating in a dramatic interior restoration by the eminent Philadelphia practice, Venturi, Scott Brown and Associates. Frank Furness's academic monument thus stands today as a defining architectural landmark of Philadelphia.
0714833894 (paperback)
9780714833897 (paperback)
Furness, Frank, 1839-1912.
Furness, Frank, 1839-1912 Critique et interprétation.
Fisher Fine Arts Library Designs and plans.
University of Pennsylvania. Library Designs and plans.
University of Pennsylvania. Library Dessins et plans.
Fisher Fine Arts Library
University of Pennsylvania. Library
Library architecture Pennsylvania Philadelphia Designs and plans.
Academic libraries Pennsylvania Philadelphia Designs and plans.
Historic buildings Pennsylvania Philadelphia Designs and plans.
Bibliothèques Architecture Pennsylvanie Philadelphie Dessins et plans.
Bibliothèques universitaires Pennsylvanie Philadelphie Dessins et plans.
Architecture des bibliothèques Pennsylvanie Philadelphie Dessins et plans.
Academic libraries
Historic buildings
Library architecture
Philadelphia (Pa.) Buildings, structures, etc.
Pennsylvania Philadelphia
Architectural drawings
Architecture in detail (London, England)
Localisation: Bibliothèque main m 134802
Cote: IDM NA44.F988; ID:97-B56
Statut: Disponible
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