Terra-cotta skyline : New York's architectural ornament / Susan Tunick ; contemporary photographs by Peter Mauss.
Entrée principale:

Tunick, Susan.

Titre et auteur:

Terra-cotta skyline : New York's architectural ornament / Susan Tunick ; contemporary photographs by Peter Mauss.


1st ed.


New York : Princeton Architectural Press, 1997.


xv, 160 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 31 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 157-158) and index.
pt. 1. America's Early Terra-Cotta Industry: A Struggle for Acceptance. Ch. 1. The Early Years (1848-53). Ch. 2. James Taylor: His Impact on American Terra Cotta (1870-98). Ch. 3. The Terra-Cotta Dilemma: Imitation or Innovation? Ch. 4. The Flowering of the Terra-Cotta Industry in New York (1878-1900). Ch. 5. Terra Cotta and the "Cloud-Scraper" (1870-1900) -- pt. 2. The Factory: From Start to Finish. Ch. 6. The Manufacture of Terra Cotta -- pt. 3. Color, Design, and Iconography in Terra-Cotta Architecture. Ch. 7. Early Exploration of Colored Glazes (1891-1906). Ch. 8. Glazes that Simulate Stone. Ch. 9. Glazed Terra Cotta and the Evolution of Skyscrapers (1910-29). Ch. 10. Innovative Color (1927-31). Ch. 11. Color and Iconography in Small Buildings -- pt. 4. The Business of Terra Cotta. Ch. 12. Attempts to Organize and Promote the Industry (1886-1960). Ch. 13. Efforts to Endure: The Federal Seaboard Terra Cotta Corporation -- Appendix A. Disappearing Terra-Cotta Buildings: Recent Losses in New York -- Appendix B. Early American Manufacturers of Architectural Terra Cotta Prior to 1870 -- Appendix C. Annotated Reprint from Chapters XVI and XVII, the Story of Terra Cotta (Walter Geer, 1920) -- Appendix D. Two Hundred Significant Terra-Cotta Buildings in New York -- Appendix E. Current Preservation Organizations and Terra-Cotta Manufacturers.
Current Copyright Fee: GBP7.40 0.

Any city walker knows the delight that a flash of colorful ornament can bestow on an otherwise gray promenade. These glazed splashes of vivid yellows, greens, cobalt blues, and metallic lusters often are made of terra cotta, which, for more than one hundred years, has been an integral - but largely unrecognizedpart of America's architectural legacy. Terra-Cotta Skyline reveals these architectural treasures in more than seventy-five color images commissioned exclusively for this book, as well as more than one hundred rare documents, drawings, and previously unpublished archival photographs. Accompanying text based on extensive research into the history of terra cotta provides anecdotes and insights into the working methods of the architects, sculptors, and artisans who designed with terra cotta - and the entrepreneurs and laborers involved in its manufacture. Terra-Cotta Skyline also tells of the efforts of determined current-day preservationists to protect this threatened part of our architectural heritage.




Metropolitan Museum of Art
Architectural terra-cotta New York (State) New York.
Decoration and ornament, Architectural New York (State) New York.
Terres cuites architecturales New York (État) New York.
Décoration et ornement architecturaux New York (État) New York.
Architectural terra-cotta.
Decoration and ornament, Architectural.
New York (N.Y.) Buildings, structures, etc.
New York (N.Y.) Constructions.
New York (State) New York.
New York (N.Y.)

Vedettes secondaires:

Mauss, Peter.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 134645
Cote: NA3511.N48 T86 (ID:97-B512)
Statut: Disponible


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