Chandavarkar, Rajnarayan.
History, culture and the Indian city : essays / by Rajnarayan Chandavarkar.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009.
xi, 270 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
"Raj Chandavarkar was one of the finest Indian historians of the twentieth century. He died sadly young in 2006, leaving behind a very substantial collection of unpublished lectures, papers and articles. These have now been assembled and edited by Jennifer Davis, Gordon Johnson and David Washbrook, and their appearance will be widely welcomed by large numbers of scholars of Indian history, politics and society. The essays centre around three major themes: the city of Bombay, Indian politics and society, and Indian historiography. Each manifests Dr Chandavarkar’s hallmark historical powers of imaginative empirical richness, analytic acuity and expository elegance, and the collection as a whole will make both a major contribution to the historiography of modern India, and a worthy memorial to a major scholar."--pub. desc.
9780521768719 (hardback)
0521768713 (hardback)
Chandavarkar, Rajnarayan.
Social conditions
India History.
India Social conditions.
Mumbai (India) History.
Mumbai (India) Social conditions.
Inde Histoire.
Inde Conditions sociales.
India Mumbai.
Indien historia.
Bombay historia.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 280728
Cote: BIB 217737
Statut: Disponible
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