Design and analysis / Bernard Leupen [and others].
Entrée principale:

Ontwerp en analyse. English.

Titre et auteur:

Design and analysis / Bernard Leupen [and others].


New York : Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1997.


224 pages : illustrations ; 27 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 220-221) and index.
1. Design and analysis -- 1.1 The design -- 1.2 The analysis -- 2. Order and composition -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 The basic instruments of classical architecture -- 2.3 Transforming and manipulating the classical system -- 2.4 The picturesque and the narrative -- 2.5 From distribution to composition -- 2.6 Towards a new architecture -- 2.7 Unbounded space -- 2.8 Giving shape to the indeterminate -- 3. Design and use -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Aspects of use prior to 1900 -- 3.3 Functionalism -- 3.4 The postwar period -- 4. Design and structure -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Unity of form and structure -- 4.3 Structure and truth -- 4.4 Structure and cladding -- 4.5 Architecture and industrial production -- 4.6 Engineer's aesthetic -- 4.7 The monumentalizing of technology -- 4.8 The serviced shed -- 4.9 The dramatizing of technology -- 5. Design and typology -- 5.1 Introduction -- 5.2 The development of "type" -- 5.3 Typology and design -- 5.4 Typology and landscape -- 6. Design and context -- 6.1 Introduction -- 6.2 The landscape -- 6.3 The natural landscape -- 6.4 The cultivated landscape -- 6.5 The architectural landscape -- 6.6 The development of city form -- 6.7 Growth of the urban fabric -- 6.8 The designed structure -- 6.9 Transforming the urban fabric -- Drawing techniques to aid analysis -- 1. The basic projections -- 2. Processing the drawing.
Also issued online.
Current Copyright Fee: GBP32.00 0.

"This book is about the history and practice of architectural, urban and landscape design. It examines the diversity of ideas on design and places the evolution of design instruments in a historical perspective. Providing material for a methodical study of these design fields, it unfolds an ordered system which enables the reader to define factors influencing designers' decisions and to relate these to the result. It thereby introduces the analytical drawing as a way to obtain insight into the process of designing" - introduction.


0471288411 (Wiley)
9780471288411 (Wiley)


Architectural design.
Architecture Environmental aspects.
Architecture Composition, proportion, etc.
Design architectural.
Architecture Aspect de l'environnement.
Architecture Composition, proportions, etc.

Vedettes secondaires:

Leupen, Bernard.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 191911
Cote: ID NA2750.O5; ID:97-B2962
Statut: Disponible


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