Photography after photography : memory and representation in the digital age / edited by Hubertus v. Amelunxen, Stefan Iglhaut, Florian Rötzer in collaboration with Alexis Cassel and Nikolaus G. Schneider.
Entrée principale:

Fotografie nach der Fotografie. English.

Titre et auteur:

Photography after photography : memory and representation in the digital age / edited by Hubertus v. Amelunxen, Stefan Iglhaut, Florian Rötzer in collaboration with Alexis Cassel and Nikolaus G. Schneider.


[Place of publication not identified] : G+B Arts, ©1996.


308 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 31 cm

"A project of Siemens Kulturprogramm in collaboration with Aktionsforum Praterinsel, München (Germany) ..."
Includes bibliographical references (pages 306-307) and index.
Essays. Re: photography / Florian Rötzer -- The image in pieces: digital photography and the location of culture / Victor Burgin -- Image simulations, computer manipulations / Martha Rosler -- The paradoxes of digital photography / Lev Manovich -- In photographic memory / Wolfgang Coy -- Digital (R)evolution / Jacques Clayssen -- Fatal vision / Timothy Druckery -- Image, language, and belief in synthesis / George Legrady -- Art post-history: digital photography and electronic semiotics / Peter Lunenfeld -- Digital cave-painting / Karlheinz Lüdeking -- Analogue and digital photography: the technical picture / Gottfried Jäger -- Photo-virtuality / Philippe Quéau -- Comments on digital photography / Herbert W. Franke -- Photography after photography: the terror of the body in digital space / Hubertus v. Amelunxen -- Artists. Anthony Aziz/Sammy Cucher -- Lewis Baltz [Urs Stahel] -- Natalie Bookchin/Lev Manovich -- Michael Brodsky -- Victor Burgin [Thomas Dreher] -- Nancy Burson [Vilém Flusser] -- Calum Colvin [Alexis Cassel] -- Keith Cottingham -- Michael Ensdorf -- Valie Export [Hubertus v. Amelunxen] -- Peter Fend/George Chaikin -- Alain Fleischer -- Jochen Gerz [Friedemann Malsch] -- Doug Hall -- Lynn Hershman -- Felix Stephan Huber/Philip Pocock -- Inez van Lamsweerde [Collier Schorr] -- George Legrady -- Chip Lord -- Andreas Müller-Pohle -- Warren Neidich [Ludger Derenthal] -- Slavica Perkovic/Lewis Baltz [Urs Stahel] -- Barbara Probst [Andreas Wutz] -- Miroslav Rogala [Lynne Warren] -- Günther Selichar -- Jeffrey Shaw [Rolf Sachsse] -- Holger Trülzsch [Hubertus v. Amelunxen] -- Alba D'Urbano -- Gerald Van Der Kaap [Paul Groot] -- Matthias Wähner [Ludger Derenthal].

"A projekt of Siemens Kulturprogramm in collaboration with Aktionsforum Praterinsel, Munchen ..."


9789057011016 (hardcover)
9057011018 (hardcover)


Photography Digital techniques Exhibitions.
Image processing Digital techniques Exhibitions.
Photographie numérique Expositions.
Traitement d'images Techniques numériques Expositions.
Image processing Digital techniques
Photography Digital techniques
Digitale technieken.
Digital photography Exhibitions.


Exhibition catalogs.
exhibition catalogs.
Catalogues d'exposition.

Vedettes secondaires:

Amelunxen, Hubertus von.
Iglhaut, Stefan.
Rötzer, Florian, 1953-
Cassel, Alexis, 1964-
Siemens Kulturprogramm.
Aktionsforum Praterinsel (Munich, Germany)


Localisation: Bibliothèque study room photo 176269
Cote: TR267.F6813 (ID:98-B2492)
Statut: Disponible


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