Anybody / edited by Cynthia C. Davidson.
Titre et auteur:

Anybody / edited by Cynthia C. Davidson.


New York : Anyone Corp. ; Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, ©1997.


287 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 27 cm

"Anybody is the sixth in a series of eleven planned volumes documenting the annual international, cross-disciplinary conferences being sponsored by Anyone Corporation to investigate the condition of architecture at the end of the millennium"--Title page verso.
Anybody is the sixth in a series of 11 planned volumes documenting the annual international, cross-disciplinary conferences being sponsored by Anyone Corporation to investigate the condition of architecture at the end of the millennium.
Absent bodies / Ignasi de Solá-Morales -- For(m) example / Paulo Mendes da Rocha -- Incorporation / Sylviane Agacinski -- The demiurgomorphic contour / Arata Isozaki and Akira Asada -- From public space to the fortified enclave / Jean Franco -- City and fiesta : the carnival of Salvador and the Nangô City / Alberto Rafael Cordiviola and Mauricio Virgens -- The body politic / Marta Oyhanarte -- Architecture in a reconfigured body politique / Masao Miyoshi -- Imaginary north/south / Armando Silva -- Extremities : the urban body in chaos / Justo Solsona -- Cyberspace, virtuality, and the real : some architectural reflections / Elizabeth Grosz -- Casa de retiro / Glenda Kapstein -- Absent totality / Frederic Jameson -- A body of work / Guilermo Kuitca -- Indigestion / Elizabeth Diller -- Some sense of "ground" / John Rajchman -- From body to blob / Greg Lynn -- The political economy of belonging and the logic of relation / Brian Massumi -- Immaterial architecture / Enrique Norten -- Toward a disembodied architectural culture / Jorge Francisco Liernur -- Forget Heisenberg / Alejandro Zaera-Polo -- The mirror and the cloak / Fernando Pérez Oyarzun --The medical body in modern architecture / Beatriz Colomina -- Zones of undecidability : the interstitial figure / Peter Eisenman -- The end of becoming / Renato Rizzi -- Yes, but ... / Ben van Berkel.
Current Copyright Fee: GBP15.00 0.

Exhibited: "L'architecte, autrement = The other architect", Centre canadien d'architecture, Oct. 28, 2015-Apr. 10, 2016.


The widespread practice of psychoanalysis, the development of genetic engineering, and the raised consciousness of the female body have altered not only the traditional idea of body but also of how we inhabit the body, and hence make and inhabit space. How does the new understanding of the body relate to space? How does architecture adjust to this new idea of body? When does the body become the body politic? In Anybody, these and other questions are argued by thirty essayists.




Architecture, Modern 20th century Themes, motives Congresses.
Architecture and society History 20th century Congresses.
Body image Congresses.
Architecture 20e siècle Thèmes, motifs Congrès.
Architecture et société Histoire 20e siècle Congrès.
Image du corps Congrès.
Architecture and society.
Architecture, Modern Themes, motives.
Body image.
Arquitetura moderna.
Architecture, Modern 20th century Congresses.
Architecture Aspect social 20e siècle Congrès.


Conference papers and proceedings.

Vedettes secondaires:

Davidson, Cynthia C.
Anyone Corporation.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 191811
Cote: ID NA680.A563; ID:97-B2825
Statut: Disponible


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