Hall, Richard, 1925-1997, author.
Empires of the monsoon : a history of the Indian Ocean and its invaders / Richard Hall.
Paperback edition 1998.
London : HarperCollins, 1998.
xxiii, 575 pages, 16 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations, maps, portraits ; 20 cm
"Until Vasco da Gama discovered the sea-route to the East in 1497-9 almost nothing was known in the West of the exotic cultures and wealth of the Indian Ocean and its peoples. It is this civilisation and its destruction at the hands of the West that Richard Hall recreates in this book. Hall's history of the exploration and exploitation - by Chinese and Arab travellers, and by the Portuguese, Dutch and British alike - is one of brutality, betrayal and colonial ambition. It is history told with the true gift of a storyteller and a keen eye for the exotic. It is a compelling and instructive epic."--Publishers description.
Discoveries in geography
Indian Ocean Region History.
Indian Ocean Region Civilization.
Indian Ocean Region Discovery and exploration.
Africa, East History.
Africa, East Civilization.
Africa, East Discovery and exploration.
Indien, Région de l'océan Histoire.
Indien, Région de l'océan Découverte et exploration.
Afrique orientale anglophone Histoire.
Afrique orientale anglophone Découverte et exploration.
Africa, East
Indian Ocean Region
Indischer Ozean
History of the Indian Ocean and its invaders
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 316475
Cote: 316475
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible
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