Colonialism and the object : empire, material culture, and the museum / edited by Tim Barringer and Tom Flynn.
London ; New York : Routledge, 1998.
xi, 224 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm.
Museum meanings
Discusses the impact of colonial contact with other cultures on the material culture of both the colonized and the imperial nation. Fourteen contributions by scholars from a variety of disciplinary and cultural backgrounds include case studies of objects collected by or exhibited in the institutions of the British Empire as well as discussions of issues of racial identity across cultural barriers and the hybrid styles of objects which can emerge when cultures meet. They demonstrate that the intensive analysis of museum objects and their contexts can provide timely and substantive insights into issues of global importance. Contains many b&w illustrations. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
0415157757 (hardcover)
9780415157759 (hardcover)
0415157765 (pbk.)
9780415157766 (pbk.)
Art, Colonial.
Art, Colonial Foreign influences.
Colonies Europe Relations.
Art colonial.
Art colonial Influence étrangère.
Colonies Relations Europe.
20.05 art in relation with other areas of culture: general.
Beeldende kunsten.
Culturele invloeden.
Art primitif Congrès.
Art colonial Congrès.
Colonies Relations Europe Congrès.
Europe Relations Colonies.
Europe Relations Colonies Congrès.
Congresses (form)
Barringer, T. J., editor.
Flynn, Tom, 1956- editor.
Museum meanings.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 211414
Cote: N5311 .C65 1998
Statut: Disponible
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