Exiles + emigrés : the flight of European artists from Hitler / Stephanie Barron with Sabine Eckmann ; contributions by Matthew Affron [and others].
Titre et auteur:

Exiles + emigrés : the flight of European artists from Hitler / Stephanie Barron with Sabine Eckmann ; contributions by Matthew Affron [and others].


Los Angeles, Calif. : Los Angeles County Museum of Art ; New York : H.N. Abrams, ©1997.


432 pages : illustrations (some color), maps ; 31 cm



Catalog of an exhibition organized by and held at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Feb. 23-May 11, 1997; the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, June 19-Sept. 7, 1997; and the Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin, Oct. 9, 1997-Jan. 4, 1998.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 408-413) and index.
European artists in exile : a reading between the lines / Stephanie Barron -- Considering (and reconsidering) art and exile / Sabine Eckmann -- Scenes from exile in Western Europe : the politics of individual and collective endeavor among German Artists / Keith Holz -- Antifascism or autonomous art? : Max Beckmann, Wassily Kandinsky, John Heartfield, Kurt Schwitters, Oskar Kokoschka / Barbara Copeland Buenger, Keith Holz -- Moral triage or cultural salvage? : the agendas of Varian Fry and the Emergency Rescue Committee / Elisabeth Kessin Berman -- Constructing a new Jewish identity : Marc Chagall, Jacques Lipchitz / Matthew Affron -- On the passage of a few persons through a rather brief period of time / Romy Golan -- Surrealism in exile : responses to the European destruction of humanism : Salvador Dali, Max Ernst, André Masson, Yves Tanguy, Matta Echaurren / Sabine Eckmann -- New York's impact on modernity / Fernand Léger, Piet Mondrian / Matthew Affron -- Experiencing the New World : Andreas Feininger, André Kertész / Deborah Irmas -- Bauhaus and exile : Bauhaus architects and designers between the old world and the new / Peter Hahn -- The Bauhaus architects and the rise of modernism in the United States / Franz Schulze -- Changing the agenda : from German Bauhaus modernism to U.S. internationalism : Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Walter Gropius, Marcel Breuer / Kathleen James -- Purism and pragmatism : Josef Albers, László Moholy-Nagy / Sheri Bernstein -- Banned German art : reception and institutional support of modern German art in the United States, 1933-45 / Vivian Endicott Barnett -- The loss of homeland and cultural identity / George Grosz, Lyonel Feininger / Sabine Eckmann -- Transfer and transformation : the German period in American art history / Karen Michels -- Art history and exile : Richard Krautheimer and Erwin Panofsky / Kevin Parker -- The German migration : is there a figure in the carpet? / Martin Jay -- Paradise : the Southern California idyll of Hitler's cultural exiles / Lawrence Weschler -- Reflections on exile in France and the United States / Stephan Lackner -- The great migration / Hans Magnus Enzensberger.

Focuses on twenty-three refugee painters, sculptors, photographers, and architects, and explores the meaning and consequences of their displacement from Europe because of the rise of the Nazis and the receptions they received in their host countries.


0810932717 (cloth)
9780810932715 (cloth)
087587178X (paper)
9780875871783 (paper)


Schwitters, Kurt, 1887-1948.
Gropius, Walter, 1883-1969.
Moholy-Nagy, László, 1895-1946.
Kandinskij, Vasilij, 1866-1944.
Expatriate artists United States Exhibitions.
Artists Europe Exhibitions.
Art, American 20th century Exhibitions.
Art, European 20th century Exhibitions.
Political refugees United States Exhibitions.
Exiles United States Exhibitions.
Artists Europe.
Artistes expatriés États-Unis Expositions.
Artistes Europe Expositions.
Art américain 20e siècle Expositions.
20.70 European art.
Art, American
Art, European
Expatriate artists
Political refugees
National socialism and art.
Artists Europe History.
Expatriate artists United States.
Artistes exilés États-Unis Catalogues d'exposition.
Artistes européens États-Unis Catalogues d'exposition.
United States
LosAngeles <Calif., 1997>


Exhibition catalogues.
Exhibition catalogs.
exhibition catalogs.
Tentoonstellingscatalogi (vorm)
Catalogues d'exposition.

Vedettes secondaires:

Barron, Stephanie, 1950-
Eckmann, Sabine (Sabine M.)
Affron, Matthew, 1963-
Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.
Neue Nationalgalerie (Germany)

Exiles and emigrés


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 135477
Cote: N6489.B37.E9 (ID:97-B746)
Exemplaire: hardcover
Statut: Disponible


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