The new American apartment : innovations in residential design and construction : 30 case studies / edited by Oscar Riera Ojeda.
New York : Whitney Library of Design, 1997.
264 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 30 cm
Whitney library of design
Responding to increasing client and designer interest in urban dwellings, this volume features a well-documented selection of thirty of the best apartment designs in the United States completed over the past decade. The examples cover a broad spectrum of building types, styles, budgets, and scales, including prewar and postwar units, brownstones, lofts, and adaptive-use conversions. Each case study includes context-setting exterior photos, lavish photographs of interiors, and clearly annotated drawings ranging from design sketches to construction drawings and details of special features. The illustrations are accompanied by concise, lucid texts that highlight the ideas, as well as the technical and material decisions underpinning each design. Included are works by some of the best-known and most inventive design practitioners in the country, such as Tod Williams and Billie Tsien, Hariri & Hariri, George Ranalli, Krueck & Sexton, and Machado and Silvetti, among others.
Apartment houses United States Designs and plans Case studies.
Apartment houses Remodeling United States Case studies.
Architecture domestique États-Unis Cas, Études de.
Architecture États-Unis 20e siècle Cas, Études de.
Architecture États-Unis Cas, Études de.
Apartment houses Designs and plans.
Apartment houses Remodeling.
Arquitectura doméstica Estados Unidos Diseño y planos.
Edificios de apartamentos Estados Unidos Diseño y planos.
Apartment houses United States Remodeling Case studies.
United States.
Case studies.
Riera Ojeda, Oscar.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main m 210905
Cote: NA7861.N4 1997
Statut: Disponible
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