Hein, George E., 1932-
Learning in the museum / George E. Hein.
London ; New York : Routledge, 1998.
xi, 203 pages : illustrations, graphs, tables ; 26 cm.
Museum meanings
Learning in the Museum begins with a brief history of education in public museums, and a rigorous examination of how the educational theories of Dewey, Piaget, Vygotsky and subsequent theorists relate to learning in the museum. A survey of the wide range of research methods employed in visitor studies is illustrated with examples taken from museums around the world. George Hein concludes that visitors can best learn when knowledge is actively constructed in their own minds, in exhibitions which are physically, socially, and intellectually accessible to every single visitor. He shows how museums can adapt to create this kind of environment, to provide what he calls the "Constructivist Museum."
As well as providing a meaningful theoretical basis to museum education, this volume serves as a practical guide for all museum professionals on how to adapt their museums to maximize the educational experience of every visitor. It will be essential reading for all educators interested in learning in the museum.
0415097754 (hbk.)
9780415097758 (hbk.)
0415097762 (pbk.)
9780415097765 (pbk.)
Historisches Museum Frankfurt Museumspädagogik
Museums Environmental aspects.
Constructivism (Education)
Museums Educational aspects.
Musées Aspect éducatif.
Constructivisme (Éducation)
Objets exposés Aspect éducatif.
Muséologie Aspect éducatif.
Musées Aspect de l'environnement.
Servico educativo em museus.
Museus Aspectes educatius.
Constructivisme (Educació)
Museum exhibits Educational aspects.
Museum attendance Educational aspects.
Museum techniques Educational aspects.
Museum meanings.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 212309
Cote: AM7 .H44 1998
Statut: Disponible
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