Davies, Hugh M. (Hugh Marlais), 1948-
Learning from La Jolla : Robert Venturi remakes a museum in the precinct of Irving Gill / Hugh M. Davies and Anne Farrell ; essays by Robert Venturi ; interview with Robert Venturi by Hugh M. Davies and Ronald J. Onorato.
[San Diego] : Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego, ©1996.
47 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 23 x 31 cm
In 1996, the Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego reopened its La Jolla facility after an expansion and renovation designed by well-known architect Robert Venturi, and his firm, Venturi, Scott Brown and Associates. This book documents this monumental design with full color photographs, and is the first to examine the nearly 100-year history of the museum's site. It also features interviews with the architect by the museum's curator.
0934418470 (pbk.)
9780934418478 (pbk.)
0934418489 (cloth)
9780934418485 (cloth)
Gill, Irving.
Venturi, Robert.
Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego History.
Venturi Scott Brown and Associates Criticism and interpretation.
Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego
Venturi Scott Brown and Associates
Art museums California San Diego Design and construction.
Art museums Design and construction
San Diego (Calif.) Buildings, structures, etc.
California San Diego
Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Farrell, Anne.
Venturi, Robert.
Onorato, Ronald J.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main m 130050
Cote: IDM NA44.V469; ID:97-B2047
Statut: Disponible
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