Stoneman, Richard.
A luminous land : artists discover Greece / Richard Stoneman.
Los Angeles : J. Paul Getty Museum, ©1998.
ix, 178 pages : illustrations (some color), color map ; 24 x 28 cm
Watercolors, paintings, etchings, and drawings inspired by artists' visits to Greece. An anthology of depictions of Greece compiled from private and public collections around the world. The color and b & w images are framed by text which explores the changing attitude of travelers to Greece from medieval to modern times as well as the relationship of artists to Greece, with particular emphasis upon the German painters of the 1830s and their pupils. A number of the selections relate to the historic events surrounding the War of Independence. 9.5x11.
Vedutenmalerei Geschichte 1800,ca.-1850,ca.
20.21 iconographic themes.
Beeldende kunsten.
Arte grega (historiografia;descrição e viagens)
Pintura (descrição e viagens) Grécia.
Greece in art.
Architecture grecque Histoire.
Greece In art.
Greece Description and travel.
Athen Ansichten.
Grèce Descriptions et voyages.
GrÉcia (DescriÇÃo E Viagens)
Grèce Dans l'art.
Griechenland (Motiv)
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 197385
Cote: ID N8214.5.G8.S76; ID:98-B1502
Statut: Disponible
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