Johannesen, Eric.
A Cleveland legacy : the architecture of Walker and Weeks / Eric Johannesen.
Kent, Ohio : Kent State University Press in cooperation with the Western Reserve Historical Society, ©1999.
viii, 200 pages : illustrations ; 27 cm
Walker and Weeks was the foremost architectural firm in Cleveland for nearly forty years, from 1911 to 1949. Its clients were the wealthy and influential of Cleveland and the Midwest; its landmark accomplishments included the Cleveland Public Library, Cleveland Municipal Stadium, Severance Hall, the Cleveland Post Office, and the Indiana World War Memorial.
Harry E. Weeks and Frank R. Walker complemented each other well: Weeks was an unassuming, but talented manager; Walker, a brilliant, outgoing architect. Together they established an architectural factory of the type pioneered by Daniel Burnham in Chicago in the 1890s. Although Cleveland in 1911 was the sixth-largest city in the U.S. and teeming with architects, Walker and Weeks was one of the few local firms large enough to manage every phase of a commission. They combined the Renaissance ideal of collaboration between artists and artisans with the modern principle of scientific business management. Their innovative use of marketing was another key to their extraordinary success.
0873385896 (cloth ; alk. paper)
9780873385893 (cloth ; alk. paper)
Walker, Frank R.
Weeks, Harry E.
Walker and Weeks (Firm)
Walker and Weeks (Firme)
Architecture Ohio Cleveland History 20th century.
Architecture Ohio Cleveland.
Architecture Ohio Cleveland 20e siècle.
Architecture Ohio Cleveland Histoire 20e siècle.
Architecture États-Unis Cleveland (Ohio) 20e siècle.
Cleveland (Ohio) Buildings, structures, etc.
Cleveland (Ohio) Constructions.
Ohio Cleveland.
Catalogues raisonnés.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 201478
Cote: NA44.W177.2 J6 1999
Statut: Disponible
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