Schorske, Carl E.
Thinking with history : explorations in the passage to modernism / Carl E. Schorske.
Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, ©1998.
xiv, 240 pages : illustrations, map ; 24 cm
"Schorske begins by reflecting on his own vocation as it was shaped by the historical changes he has seen sweep across political and academic culture. Then he offers a European sampler of ways in which nineteenth-century European intellectuals used conceptions of the past to address the problems of their day: the city as community and artifact; the function of art; social dislocation. Narrowing his focus to fin-de-siecle Vienna in a second group of essays, he analyzes the emergence of ahistorical modernism in that city. Against the background of Austria's persistent, conflicting Baroque and Enlightenment traditions, Schorske examines three Viennese pioneers of modernism - Adolf Loos, Gustav Mahler, and Sigmund Freud - as they sought new orientation in their fields."--Jacket.
0691059772 (cloth ; alk. paper)
9780691059778 (cloth ; alk. paper)
Modernism (Aesthetics)
Civilization history
Modernisme (Esthétique)
historicism (theory)
Intellectual life
Modernisme (cultuur)
Europe Civilization 19th century.
Europe Intellectual life 19th century.
Europe Civilisation 19e siècle.
Europe Vie intellectuelle 19e siècle.
Europe, Western Civilization 19th century.
Europe, Western Intellectual life 19th century.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 215472
Cote: CB204 .S3 1998
Statut: Disponible
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