ArtMARC sourcebook : cataloging art, architecture, and their visual images / Linda McRae and Lynda S. White, editors.
Titre et auteur:

ArtMARC sourcebook : cataloging art, architecture, and their visual images / Linda McRae and Lynda S. White, editors.


Chicago : American Library Association, 1998.


xii, 287 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm

"On behalf of the Art Society of North America."
"On behalf of the Art Libraries Society of North America."
Includes bibliographical references and index.
The rensselaer slide database in retrospect / Jeanne M. Keefe -- Mapping to MARC at the Bibliothèque de l'Aménagement, Université de Montréal / Vesna Blazina and Ginette Melançon-Bolduc -- Planning for automation of the slide and photograph collections at the Cleveland Museum of Art : a draft MARC/visual materials record / Ann Abid [and others] -- Why and how MARC is being used for automating the architecture slide collection at Clemson University / Phyllis Pivorun -- Cataloging for art's sake at Florida International University / Mayra F. Nemeth -- Cataloging architecture slides at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln / Margaret L. Emons -- Image cataloging in MARC at the University of Virginia / Lynda S. White -- MARCing architecture / David Austin -- National Gallery of Art Slide Library, Washington, D.C. / Gregory P.J. Most -- The inventories of American painting and sculpture : cataloging in MARC / Christine Hennessey -- The National Art Library, Victoria and Albert Museum, London / Jane Savidge -- Washingtoniana II : cataloging architectural, design, and engineering collections in the prints and photographs division of the Library of Congress / Karen Chittenden --MARC format for the photograph collection at the Milwaukee Public Museum / Susan Otto -- Cataloging images in MARC at the California Historical Society / Patricia Keats -- From cuneiform to MARC : a database for ancient near eastern cylinder seals owned by the Pierpont Morgan Library / Elizabeth O'Keefe -- The performing arts index at the Metropolitan Museum of Art / Judith Jaroker and Constance Old -- Washingtoniana II data dictionary / Anne Mitchell and Karen Chittenden.
Also issued online.

"The ArtMARC Sourcebook brings together leading expert catalogers who developed a variety of cataloging projects for a number of different institutions including libraries, art galleries, museums, and others. Cataloging information is provided on a wide variety of art materials such as ancient artifacts, architectural drawings, and sculpture."--BOOK JACKET. "By describing the experiences of key institutions in cataloging art and other objects, the ArtMARC Sourcebook will be a tremendous aid for libraries, museums, and archival organizations in modifying and standardizing MARC to meet the challenge of organizing different materials for access."--Jacket.


0838907237 (alk. paper)
9780838907238 (alk. paper)


Cataloging of art United States.
MARC formats United States.
Catalogage Art États-Unis.
MARC, Formats États-Unis.
descriptive cataloging.
Cataloging of art
MARC formats
Afbeeldingen (algemeen)
United States

Vedettes secondaires:

McRae, Linda.
White, Lynda S.
Art Libraries Society of North America


Localisation: Bibliothèque cataloguing office 196746
Cote: ID:98-B1580
Statut: Disponible


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