Wittkower, Rudolf.
Bernini : the sculptor of the Roman Baroque / Rudolf Wittkower ; [new photography by Pino Guidolotti].
4th ed., 1st pbk. ed.
London : Phaidon Press, ©1997.
320 pages : chiefly illustrations (some color) ; 28 cm
"Gian Lorenzo Bernini was the greatest and most influential sculptor of his age. Endlessly inventive and gifted with extraordinary technical skill, he virtually created the Baroque style. In his religious sculptures he excelled at capturing movement and extreme emotion, uniting figures with their setting to create a single conception of overwhelming intensity that perfectly expressed the fervour of Counter-Reformation Rome. Intensity and drama also characterize his mythological groups, his remarkable portraits and his world-famous Roman fountains. Rudolf Wittkowerʼs classic monograph and catalogue raisonne has remained the standard work on Bernini ever since its first publication in 1955. The concise but masterly survey provides an authoritative introduction to all aspects of Berniniʼs sculpture, while the full catalogue gives detailed, scholarly and up to date information on his complete oeuvre. This is the one indispensable book on Bernini for all students, scholars and art-lovers"--Publisher.
0714837156 (paperback)
9780714837154 (paperback)
Bernini, Gian Lorenzo, 1598-1680.
Bernini, Gian Lorenzo 1598-1680
Bernini, Gianlorenzo, 1598-1680.
Bernin, Le, (1598-1680)
Bernini, Gian Lorenzo.
Sculpture, Baroque Italy Rome.
Sculpture baroque Italie Rome.
21.52 history of sculpture.
Sculpture, Baroque
Italy Rome
catalogues raisonnés.
catalogs (documents)
Catalogues raisonnés
Oeuvre-catalogues (form)
Bernini, Gian Lorenzo, 1598-1680.
Guidolotti, Pino.
Wittkower, Rudolf. Gian Lorenzo Bernini.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 192546
Cote: ID NA44.B528; ID:97-B3633
Statut: Disponible
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