Steele, James, 1943-
Architecture today / James Steele.
London ; New York : Phaidon Press, 1997.
512 pages : chiefly color illustrations ; 30 cm
"This book is an attempt to make sense of the pluralistic nature of contemporary architecture, by offering an incisive yet accessible critique of the world's most prominent architectural movements and trends. Free of the jargon that all too frequently characterizes some of the contemporary writing on architecture, Architecture Today briefly examines the background to the architecture of the latter half of the century, and explores contemporary styles and movements theme by theme. The work of architects from all over the world is analysed, and their most original, influential and challenging works are illustrated, indicating the radical changes that have occurred in architecture in the last forty years." "Architecture Today's accessible tone will make this book essential reading for all those who are interested in architecture, in the visual arts and in contemporary culture."--Jacket.
0714840971 (pbk.)
9780714840970 (pbk.)
Architecture, Modern 20th century.
Eclecticism in architecture.
Architecture 20e siècle.
Éclectisme en architecture.
Historicism (architectural style)
Architecture, Modern.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 192339
Cote: ID NA682.P67; ID:97-B3428
Statut: Disponible
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