The evolution of the grand tour : Anglo-Italian cultural relations since the Renaissance / Edward Chaney.
Entrée principale:

Chaney, Edward.

Titre et auteur:

The evolution of the grand tour : Anglo-Italian cultural relations since the Renaissance / Edward Chaney.


London ; Portland, OR : Frank Cass, 1998.


xx, 404 pages : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. British and American Travellers in Sicily from the Eighth to the Twentieth Century -- 2. Early Tudor Tombs and the Rise and Fall of Anglo-Italian Relations -- 3. Quo Vadis? Travel as Education and the Impact of Italy in the Sixteenth Century -- 4. The Grand Tour and Beyond: British and American Travellers in Southern Italy, 1545-1960 -- 5. Robert Dallington's Survey of Tuscany (1605): A British View of Medicean Florence -- 6. Documentary Evidence of Anglo-Italian Cultural Relations in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries -- 7. Inigo Jones in Naples -- 8. Pilgrims to Pictures: Art, English Catholics and the Evolution of the Grand Tour -- 9. Notes towards a Biography of Sir Balthazar Gerbier -- 10. English Catholic Poets in mid-Seventeenth-Century Rome -- 11. 'Philanthropy in Italy': English Observations on Italian Hospitals, 1545-1789 -- 12. Milton's Visit to Vallombrosa: A Literary Tradition -- 13. George Berkeley's Grand Tours: The Immaterialist as Connoisseur of Art and Architecture -- 14. Epilogue: Sir Harold Acton, 1904-94.
Current Copyright Fee: GBP28.00 0.

The Grand Tour has emerged as a subject of importance for those interested in exploring the historic connections between nations and their intellectual and artistic production. Although traditionally associated with the 18th century, when it became de rigueur for wealthy Englishmen to complete their education on the continent, the Grand Tour is here investigated in a wider context, from the decline of the Roman Empire to recent times. Travel to Italy was undertaken for many reasons. Pilgrimage to Rome was encouraged by the religious rulers who succeeded the emperors. Authors from Chaucer to Erasmus eventually mocked this custom, and the Reformation sealed its fate where their co-nationals were concerned, but the urge to travel proved too strong to be extinguished by a mere change of religion. From the mid-16th century, northern Europeans justified travel to the south in terms of education. The English has previously travelled to Italy to study classics; now they travelled to learn Ital.

Publisher description



Travelers Italy.
British Italy History.
Voyageurs Italie.
Britanniques Italie Histoire.
Civilization Italian influences.
International relations.
Grand Tour.
Culturele betrekkingen.
Voyageurs britanniques Italie Histoire.
Voyageurs américains Italie Histoire.
Grande-Bretagne Relations Italie.
Great Britain Civilization Italian influences.
England Civilization Italian influences.
Great Britain Relations Italy.
Italy Relations Great Britain.
Great Britain.
Grande-Bretagne Civilisation Influence italienne.
Italie Relations Grande-Bretagne.




Localisation: Bibliothèque main 200673
Cote: DA47.9.I8 C4 1998
Statut: Disponible


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