Matthews, Henry.
Kirtland Cutter : architect in the land of promise / Henry Matthews.
Seattle : University of Washington Press ; Spokane : Eastern Washington State Historical Society, ©1998.
x, 438 pages : illustrations, plans, portraits ; 26 cm
In the early years of the twentieth century, Spokane was singled out for praise in the West for the quality of its architecture and the impressive way it had rebuilt after the devastating fire of 1889. Major credit for the city's distinctive character was extended to Kirtland Kelsey Cutter for his "rare architectural force and genius for design." His remarkable career, stretching from the Gilded Age to the Great Depression, allows a fascinating study of the evolution of an eclectic form of architecture that was an inevitable response to rich regional and historical influences during a time of transition from frontier settlements to modern city.
Henry Matthews presents a comprehensive study of the whole body of Cutter's work, with ample photographs and illustrations. The book is based on exhaustive research in both the Northwest and California, revealing the influences on Cutter and his associates, the processes at work in the design and construction of the buildings, and the relations between the architect and the many people who commissioned his work. Particularly useful to Matthews's research was a collection of 290 sets of drawings, as well as office accounts, letters, and books from Cutter's library - materials acquired by the Eastern Washington State Historical Society. He also was able to interview former assistants and clients, who provided valuable insights on the architect and the way Cutter worked.
In addition, many of the architect's residences, hotels, clubs, and commercial buildings are still standing.
0295976098 (alk. paper)
9780295976099 (alk. paper)
Cutter, Kirtland Kelsey, 1860-1939 Criticism and interpretation.
Cutter, Kirtland Kelsey, 1860-1939.
Cutter, Kirtland 1860-1939
Cutter, Kirtland Kelsey, (1860-1939) Critique et interprétation.
Cutter, Kirtland.
Eclecticism in architecture United States.
Éclectisme en architecture États-Unis.
Eclecticism in architecture.
United States.
Quotations (texts)
Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Cutter, Kirtland Kelsey, 1860-1939.
United States Washington (State) Seattle.
United States Washington (State) Spokane.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 211103
Cote: NA44.C991.9 M3 1998
Statut: Disponible
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