Materials, technologies and practice in historic heritage structures / edited by Maria Bostenaru Dan, Richard Přikryl and Ákos Török.
Titre et auteur:

Materials, technologies and practice in historic heritage structures / edited by Maria Bostenaru Dan, Richard Přikryl and Ákos Török.


Dordrecht ; New York : Springer, ©2010.


xvii, 371 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction / Maria Bostenaru Dan -- Technology of rammed-earth constructions ("tapial") in Andalusia (Spain) : their restoration and conservation / Eduardo Sebastián and Giuseppe Cultrone -- Ancient clay bricks : manufacture and properties / Francisco M. Fernandes, Paulo B. Lourenço and Fernando Castro -- Mỹ Sơn Temples in Vietnam : construction techniques and structural issues / Paola Condoleo -- White and coloured marbles of the Roman theatre of Copia (Cosenza, Italy) / Lorenzo Lazzarini, Silvana Luppino and Carmelo G. Malacrino -- Black "marble" : the characteristic material in the Baroque architecture of Cracow (Poland) / Mariola Marzałek and Andrzej Skowroński -- Understanding the long-term survival of sandstone in Medieval ecclesiastical structures : Northern Ireland and Western Scotland / Stephen McCabe and Bernie J. Smith -- City of Dresden in the mirror of its building stones : utilization of natural stone at façades in the course of time / Heiner Siedel -- Determination of source areas of natural stones : a methodology approach applied to impure crystalline limestones / Aneta Št'astná and Richard Přikryl -- In situ methods of testing stone monuments and the application of nondestructive physical properties testing in masonry diagnosis / Ákos Török -- Use of lime mortars in restoration work on architectural heritage / Ana Luque, Giuseppe Cultrone and Eduardo Sebastián -- Basilica of Maxentius and its construction materials / Carlo Giavarini -- Characterization of ancient pozzolanic mortars from Roman times to the 19th century : compatibility issues of new mortars with substrates and ancient mortars / Ana Luísa Velosa, Rosário Veiga, João Coroado, Victor M. Ferreira and Fernando Rocha -- Roman cements : key materials of the built heritage of the 19th century / Roman Kozłowski, David Hughs, and Johannes Weber -- Historic mortars and plasters as a material for age determination / Danuta Nawrocka, Tomasz Goslar and Anna Pazdur -- Reinforced concrete constructions at the beginning of the 20th century : historical review and structural assessment / Mauro Mezzina, Fabrizio Palmisano and Giuseppina Uva -- Heritage masonry buildings and reduction of seismic risk : the case of Slovenia / Miha Tomaževič -- Acoustic emission monitoring of the cathedral of Palma de Mallorca (Spain) / Luis Miguel Suárez del Río, Vicente Gómez Ruiz de Argandoña, Lope Calleja, Angel Rodríguez Rey, Carlota María Grossi-Sampedro and Modesto Montoto -- Index.

One distinct feature of human society since the dawn of civilization is the systematic use of inorganic building materials, such as natural stone, unburnt and burnt soil, adobe and brick, inorganic binders like lime and cement, and reinforced concrete. Our heritage has cultural, architectural and technological value and preserving such structures is a key issue today. Planners and conservation scientists need detailed site surveys and analyses to create a database that will serve to guide subsequent actions. One factor in this knowledge base is an understanding of how historic materials were prepared and the crucial properties that influence their long-term behaviour. Any assessment of the way such materials perform must crucially be based on an understanding of the methods used for their analysis. The editors here add to the knowledge base treating the materials used in historic structures, their properties, technology of use and conservation, and their performance in a changing environment. The book draws together 18 chapters dealing with the inorganic materials used in historic structures, such as adobe, brick, stone, mortars, concrete and plasters. The approach is complex, covering material characterisation as well as several case studies of historic structures from Europe, including Germany, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Scotland, Slovenia and Spain, and the My Sõn Temples in Vietnam. An equally important component of the book covers the analysis of materials, together with a treatment of sustainable development, such as the protection of monuments from earthquakes and climate change. The authors are all leading international experts, drawn from a variety of backgrounds: architecture, civil engineering, conservation science, geology and material science, with close links to professional organisations such as ICOMOS or universities and research centres throughout Europe. Audience: This book will be of interest to geologists, engineers, restorers, consulting engineers, designers and other professionals dealing with cultural heritage and sustainable development. Also graduate students in applied geo-science (mineralogy, geochemistry, petrology), architecture and civil engineering will find interesting information in this book.


9789048126842 (e-ISBN)
9048126843 (e-ISBN)


Historic buildings Conservation and restoration.
Building materials.
Historic preservation.
Construction Materials
Monuments historiques Conservation et restauration.
Construction Matériaux.
Préservation historique.
building materials.
historic preservation.

Vedettes secondaires:

Boştenaru Dan, Maria.
Přikryl, Richard.
Török, Ákos, 1963-


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 271684
Cote: BIB 204919
Statut: Disponible


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