Fred Cumberland--building the Victorian dream / Geoffrey Simmins.
Entrée principale:

Simmins, Geoffrey.

Titre et auteur:

Fred Cumberland--building the Victorian dream / Geoffrey Simmins.


Toronto ; Buffalo : University of Toronto Press, ©1997.


xii, 345 pages : illustrations, maps ; 28 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 323-333) and index.
Ch. 1. Early life in Ireland and England -- ch. 2. Constructing a Canadian career : the first years in Toronto -- ch. 3. Cumberland and the Canadian interpretation of the Victorian concept of progress -- ch. 4. Midcareer, full stride : the 1850s -- ch. 5. Life on the railway -- ch. 6. Political career -- ch. 7. Later personal life -- ch. 8. Assessing the English heritage -- ch. 9. 'The beautiful medium' and other topics : reconstructing Cumberland's architectural theory and practice -- ch. 10. A selection of schools -- ch. 11. University college -- ch. 12. Steeples for the people : church designs -- ch. 13. Post offices, courthouses, and other public buildings -- ch. 14. Private commissions : houses and commercial buildings -- ch. 15. Proposals for building a national capital -- Catalogue of works.

"In the first comprehensive study of Frederic William Cumberland (1820-1881), Geoffrey Simmins traces Cumberland's career as architect, railway manager, and politician, providing a richly detailed history and analysis of his contribution to Toronto's urban landscape." "The architect of such prominent buildings as the University of Toronto's University College, Osgoode Hall, and St James's Cathedral, Cumberland was devoted to building the Victorian dream - optimistic and materialistic in its outlook, yet also spiritual in its basis. His diverse interests and accomplishments make him an important figure in Canadian architecture and in Victorian studies more generally." "The book is divided into three parts. Part One establishes the context of Cumberland's life and times. Part Two is devoted to examining his architectural career. Part Three consists of a catalogue raisonne of all of Cumberland's architectural designs."--BOOK JACKET.


0802006795 (acid-free paper)
9780802006790 (acid-free paper)


Cumberland, Frederic William, 1820-1881.
Cumberland, Frederic William, 1820-1881 Catalogues raisonnés.
Cumberland, Frederic William, 1821-1881.
Cumberland, Frederic William, 1821-1881 Catalogues raisonnés.
Architects Canada Biography.
Architecture, Victorian Ontario.
Architecture victorienne Ontario.
Architectes Canada Biographies.
Architecture, Victorian.
Cumberland, Frederic William 1820-1881
Cumberland, Frederic William 1820-1881 Catalogues raisonnés
Canadian architects.
Canadian engineers.


Catalogues raisonnés.

Vedettes secondaires:

Cumberland, Frederic William, 1820-1881.

Victorian dream


Localisation: Bibliothèque main canada 190716
Cote: ID NA44.C969 CAN; ID:96-B2512
Statut: Disponible


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