Rose, Barbara.
Beverly Pepper : three site-specific sculptures / by Barbara Rose.
Washington, D.C. : Spacemaker Press, 1998.
63 pages : color illustrations ; 27 x 27 cm
Land marks ; 06
Beverly Pepper has long been internationally known for her cast-iron, stainless steel, and Cor-ten steel sculptures of colossal scale and immense power. Since the 1970s, she has also made landscapes that exert a spiritual force, transcending artistic style. Examining three site-specific sculptures created by Pepper between 1989 and 1996, art historian Barbara Rose documents the development of Pepper's designs on the land, exploring both their resonance with their locales and their timeless quality.
Pepper, Beverly.
Sculpture, American.
Environment (Art)
Earthworks (Art)
Sculpture américaine.
Environnement (Art)
Land art.
Art Intégration à l'architecture.
environmental art.
earthworks (sculpture)
Pepper, Beverly.
Landmarks (Washington, D.C.) ; 06.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 239878
Cote: BIB 169798
Statut: Disponible
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