James Stirling, Michael Wilford / Robert Maxwell ; [translation from English, Andreas Simon].
Entrée principale:

Maxwell, Robert, 1922-2020.

Titre et auteur:

James Stirling, Michael Wilford / Robert Maxwell ; [translation from English, Andreas Simon].


Basil ; Boston, Mass. : Birkhäuser Verlag, ©1998.


207 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm.


Studio paperback

Includes bibliographical references (pages 201-205).
Einleitung = Introduction -- Bauten und Projekte = Buildings and projects -- Diplomentwurf von James Stirling, Architekturschule Liverpool = James Stirling's thesis design, Liverpool School of Architecture -- Drei Häuser für Basil Mavrolean, London = Three houses for Basil Mavrolean, London -- Wohnanlage in Ham Common, London = Flats at Ham Common, London -- Schulaula, London = School assembly hall, London -- Studentenwohnheim für das Selwyn College, Cambridge = Student residences for Selwyn College, Cambridge -- Ingenieursfakultät der Leicester Universität, Leicester = Engineering building for Leicester University, Leicester -- Geschichtsfakultät der Cambridge Universität, Cambridge = History faculty for Cambridge University, Cambridge -- Studentenwohnheim der St. Andrews Universität, St. Andrews = Student residences for St. Andrews University, St. Andrews -- Firmensitz der Dorman Long Stahlwerke, Middlesbrough = Headquarters for Dorman Long Steel Manufacturers, Middlesbrough -- Florey-Gebäude des Queen's College, Oxford = The Florey Building for Queen's College, Oxford -- Wohnsiedlung Runcorn New Town, Runcorn New Town = Low-cost housing Runcorn, Runcorn New Town.
Siemens Forschungszentrum, München = Siemens Research Centre, Munich -- Olivetti Trainingszentrum, Haslemere = Olivetti Training School, Haslemere -- Bürgerzentrum Derby, Derby = Derby Civic Centre, Derby -- Olivetti Firmensitz, Milton Keynes = Olivetti headquarters, Milton Keynes -- Kunstfakultät der St. Andrews Universität, St. Andrews = Arts Centre for St. Andrews University, St. Andrews -- Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Köln = Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Cologne -- Kunstsammlung Nordrheim-Westfalen, Düsseldorf = Museum of Northrhine Westphalia, Düsseldorf -- Hotel Meinekestrasße, Berlin = Hotel Meinekestrasse, Berlin -- Dresdner Bank, Marburg -- Neue Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart = New State Gallery, Stuttgart -- Bayer Pflanzenschutz-Zentrum, Monheim = Bayer Research Centre, Monheim -- Manhattan Stadthäuser, New York = Manhattan townhouses, New York -- Erweiterung der Architekturfakultät der Rice University, Houston = Rice School of Architecture Extension, Houston -- Wissenschaftzentrum, Berlin = Science Research Centre, Berlin -- Sackler Galerie, Cambridge = Sackler Gallery, Cambridge -- Chemiefakultät der Columbia Universität, New York = Chemistry building for Columbia University, New York.
Clore Galerie, London = Clore Gallery, London -- Musikakademie, Stuttgart = Music Academy, Stuttgart -- Fakultät für Darstellende Künste der Cornell Universität, Ithaca = Performing Arts Center for Cornell University, Ithaca -- Sitz der British Telecom, Milton Keynes = British Telecom headquarters, Milton Keynes -- Stadtbücherei von Latina, Latina = Public library, Latina -- Erweiterung der Nationalgalerie, London = National Gallery Extension, London -- Poultry Nr. 1, London = No. 1 Poultry, London -- Braun Werksanlagen, Melsungen = Braun headquarters, Melsungen -- Sammlung Thyssen-Bornemisza, Lugano = Thyssen-Bornemisza Gallery, Lugano -- Kunstsammlung Palazzo Citterio, Mailand = Palazzo Citterio Art Gallery, Milan -- Oper Glyndebourne, Glyndebourne = Glyndebourne Opera House, Glydebourne -- Wohnanlage Canary Wharf, London = Canary Wharf residential development, London -- Disney Philharmonie, Los Angeles = Disney Philharmonic Hall, Los Angeles -- Biologiebibliothek der Universität von Kalifornien in Irvine, Irvine = Biological Sciences Library for University of California at Irvine, Irvine -- Apartmenthaus Carlton Gardens 5-7, London = 5-7 Carlton Gardens apartments, London.
Stadionskomplex, Sevilla = Stadium development, Seville -- Bibliothèque de France, Paris -- Tokyo International Forum, Tokio = Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo -- Oper Compton Verney, Compton Verney = Opera House Compton Verney, Compton Verney -- Biennale Buchladen, Venedig = Biennale Bookshop, Venice -- Filmpalast, Venedig = Cinema Palace, Venice -- Sitz von Channel Four, London = Channel Four headquarters, London -- Kyoto Centre, Kioto = Kyoto Centre, Kyoto -- Temasek Polytechnikum, Singapur = Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore -- Lowry Centre, Salford Quays, Manchester -- Abando Umsteigebahnhof, Bilbao = Abando passenger interchange, Bilbao -- Architekturfakultät Newcastle = Architecture School Newcastle -- Nationales Literaturzentrum und Stadtbibliothek, Swansea = National Centre for Literature and City Library, Swansea -- Campus masterplan für die Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden = Campus masterplan for Dresden Technical University, Dresden -- Sto AG Werksanlagen, Weizen = Sto AG headquarters, Weizen -- Britische Botschaft, Berlin = British Embassy, Berlin -- Biographie = Biography -- Werkverzeichnis = List of buildings and projects -- Bibliographie = Bibliography -- Bildnachweis = Illustration credits.
English and German.
German and English.

James Stirling (1920-1992) was one of the most influential figures of contemporary architecture. From the 1950s on - later in cooperation with his partner Michael Wilford, born in 1938 - Stirling conceived numerous projects in which a historic sensibility was combined with a creative architectural vocabulary. The practice achieved wide renown with the designs for the Stuttgart State Gallery, The London Tate Gallery extension, and the Braun Headquarters in Melsungen. In 1981, Stirling was awarded the Pritzker Prize. Since Michael Wilford's heading of the practice, projects like Temasek Polytechnic in Singapore or the British Embassy in Berlin have drawn considerable attention. This monograph offers a comprehensive survey of the oeuvre of both architects.


3764352914 (softcover ; alk. paper)
9783764352912 (softcover ; alk. paper)
0817652914 (softcover ; alk. paper)
9780817652913 (softcover ; alk. paper)


Stirling, James (James Frazer) Criticism and interpretation.
Stirling, James (James Frazer)
Stirling, James 1926-1992
Wilford, Michael 1938-
Wilford, Michael.
Stirling, James (James Frazer) Exhibitions.
Wilford, Michael, 1938-.
Stirling, James Architekt.
Michael Wilford and Partners
James Stirling (Firm)
James Stirling, Michael Wilford, and Associates
James Stirling and Partner
Stirling and Gowan
Architectural practice, International.
Architecture, Modern 20th century.
Architecture, Modern.
Architecture Pratique internationale.
Architecture 20e siècle.
Architects Great Britain 20th century.
English architects.
English architectural firms.
Architecture (object genre) Great Britain 1950-2000.
Architecture (object genre) Germany 1950-2000.
Architecture (object genre) 1950-2000.


Catalogues raisonnés.
Criticism, interpretation, etc.

Vedettes secondaires:

Studio paperback.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 201753
Cote: NA44.J29.2 M3 1998
Statut: Disponible


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