Learning from the Japanese city : West meets East in urban design / Barrie Shelton.
Entrée principale:

Shelton, Barrie, 1944-

Titre et auteur:

Learning from the Japanese city : West meets East in urban design / Barrie Shelton.


London ; New York : E & FN Spon, 1999.


xiii, 210 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 193-199) and index.
Ch. 1. Western Interest in the Japanese City -- Ch. 2. Areas and Lines: From Written to City Texts -- Ch. 3. Aspects of Form: Street and Related Scenes -- Ch. 4. Strands of Culture -- Ch. 5. Learning from the Japanese City -- Japanese Historical Eras.

"Why do Japanese cities look the way they do? What relevance do they have to the wider world of contemporary urban design? How sharp is the divide between the cities of today and Japan's urban traditions?"--Jacket.
"First Shelton examines how Western attitudes to Japanese cities have changed over time. He then shows us how Japanese ways of thinking about space, while consistent in themselves, are quite different from those of the West - from writing on paper to settlement in a landscape. Learning from the Japanese City next discusses an array of Japanese urban characteristics and building types - from historic house forms to the work of contemporary architects - that offer insights into today's cities. Aspects of culture and religion which influence urban form and space are also explored."--Jacket.
"Finally, the author draws together threads from throughout the book to address his initial questions. It is here that Japan's chaotic forms emerge in a more positive light and with broad implications for contemporary urban design."--Jacket.


0419223509 (alk. paper)
9780419223504 (alk. paper)


Honʼyaku iin shachū Japan
Architecture Japan Themes, motives.
Architecture and society Japan.
Architecture and history Japan.
City planning Japan.
Architecture Japon Thèmes, motifs.
Architecture et société Japon.
Architecture et histoire Japon.
Design urbain Japon.
POLITICAL SCIENCE Public Policy City Planning & Urban Development.
ARCHITECTURE Urban & Land Use Planning.
Architecture and history
Architecture and society
Architecture Themes, motives
City planning
Stedelijk beleid.
Architecture Japan.
Cities and towns Japan.
Architecture -- Japan -- Themes, motives
Architecture and society -- Japan
Architecture and history -- Japan
City planning -- Japan




Localisation: Bibliothèque main 203407
Cote: NA1550 .S5 1999
Statut: Disponible


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