What is situationism? : a reader / Stewart Home, editor.
Edinburgh, Scotland ; San Francisco, CA : AK Press, 1996.
iv, 203 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm
"This anthology gathers together a broad range of critical material about the Situationist International. The texts run sequentially according to date of original publication, thereby providing an overview of the way in which situationism has been historicized in the Anglo-American world. A wealth of historical and interpretive information is provided by the various contributors. This plurality of voices ranges from underground legends to art theorists, ultra-leftists to professional academics, whose opinions blend and clash to provide a book that is far more vibrant than a conventional monograph."--back cover.
1873176139 (paperback)
9781873176139 (paperback)
Internationale situationniste.
Situationistische Internationale
Arts, European 20th century.
Avant-garde (Aesthetics) Europe History 20th century.
Arts européens 20e siècle.
Arts, European.
Avant-garde (Aesthetics)
Avant-garde (esthétique)
Home, Stewart, 1962-
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 178762
Cote: ID NX542.W337; ID:98-B1261
Statut: Disponible
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